Or in other words the wonders of spending your time over Hellenic soil. You wake up, take your breakfast and start walking by the coastline of the Athenian riviera:
One of my first views is this little island :
I've been there once by boat when I was a kid and I often think of revisiting it when I get my hands on a kayak - I have recycled my last one. It will be a dream to paddle on days like this:
For the moment I continue walking West to enjoy the swimming bays of the area. They're often at a cliff and landslides are anything but rare:
This was looking East. Heading West at the same spot is that beach with a beach bar which obviously is closed now:
I said something about landslides...look at those huge boulders down there:
And the roots of the bushes hanging in the air:
Such a sweet bay this is:
I'm always attracted by seaside places when they are empty, mainly cause they're too crowded during their season so let's have a closer look:
As I walk down the path leading to the beach the beach bar looks semi destroyed and I guess the last rainstorm had also something to do with its looks:
At this point is where a pedestrian subway is which like almost every single one has got its graffiti treatment:
I keep walking to take a closer look at the bar though:
I had a drink there years ago, was nice actually, hope it stays like that and won't take too much effort from the owners to bring it back to shape next year. Imagine sipping your drink during sunset there:
Lovely right? And the beach is not too bad either let's go down and have a look:
Not sure how long that patio will stay in place though:
Time to say goodbye to that place, from the top it looks even more tortured from the elements of nature but the view remains sweet:
As I walk West the coastal avenue I spot these two miniature churches on the other side of the road meaning two (at least) people died there:
Therefore it's way more pleasant to look on my left for beyond obvious reasons:
At this point I find a path that I've never tried therefore no idea where it leads to:
I follow that trail:
And it leads be to that slippery concrete stairway to some short of heaven:
It's one of the rare times that the picture really speaks about how steep that thing is and slippery due to the gravel brought by the last rainstorms:
I take the whole way down where at the bottom I find this absolute WTF thing:
No idea what the heck they lock in there but must smell like shit and look like crap with all that humidity. The beach looks more attractive than that for sure though also for sure not the best one around:
On my way back up I see the desperate measures of someone trying to prevent people from spreading trash in the area:
It's all Greek to you (literally) but the black spray reads "put the trash in the bins not here". However, it's even more interesting to focus on those multicolour calligraphic stuff reading the same word all over:
It's all Greek to you again but what it reads is a funny way of writing "πούτσες" which I leave it up to you to translate it. Feel free to get back to me if you want to cross check what it means 🙂
Planes draw in the sky as I make my way back up:
One word: Mediterranean!
Well, two words : Beautiful Mediterranean!
Whenever I see your photos of other people from Greece, I have the feeling that I was already there. It is because the landscape is so similar to the Spanish one 😇
Mediterranean implies beautiful so you can just use one word without adjective 🙂 It's simply one of the best places to live considering the beauty, history, culture, food, weather...the list goes on.
Glad you virtually travel to Greece like this, thanks for stopping by, more sea beauties coming soon in the next parts. There are obvious similarities in the landscape and mentality of people among several parts of the Mediterranean (Spain Italy and Greece mainly cause France is another story) that I was able to confirm during my past trips (here's my post from day 2 at Alicante: https://orestistrips.blogspot.com/2017/06/alicante-2.html ). The big difference Greece has though is the enormous density of swimming bays. Only Sicily tops that and maybe not as much.