Hai hai...selamat malam stemian semua,, salam hangat dari ku di malam minggu...
Teman teman Stemians lagi ngapain nih? Pasti lagi seru seruan ya bersama teman teman, keluarga, dan orang terdekat kalian... Stemians semua aku ingin berbagi cerita nih tentang perjalananku sore tadi, kami sekluarga mengunjungi salah satu taman di Lhokseumawe Aceh utara, namanya Taman Jeulikat indah...
Hi hai ... good night all stemian ,, warm regards from me on a sunday night ...
Friends of Stemians again ngapain nih? Certainly again exclamation call with friends, family, and people closest to you ... Stemians all I want to share my story about my journey this afternoon, we sekluarga visit one of the parks in Lhokseumawe north Aceh, called Taman Jeulikat indah Lhokseumawe.
Tamannya sangat indah, tempatnya sejuk dipenuhi bunga bunga indah, serta pondok pondok yang sangat nyaman untuk beristirahat dan bersantai bersama keluarga, kami semua merasa sangat senang dan ceria,,,buah hatiku begitu kegirangan berlari lari kesana kemari,,, bercengkrama bersama, jalan jalan mengelilingi taman serta berselfie ria ala anak jaman sekarang, benar benar sangat menyenangkan, bahagia hatiku melihat orang orang terdekatku ceria tanpa tersirat beban diwajahnya, yang ada hanya senyum dan tertawa bahagia, ini sangat luar biasa...
The garden is very beautiful, cool place filled with beautiful flowers, and cottage hut is very comfortable to rest and relax with family, we all feel very happy and cheerful ,,, my heart is so excited ran running here and there, chatting together, surround the park and selfie together, it is really very fun, happy my heart to see the people my closest cheerful without implicit burden on his face, there is only a smile and laugh happy, this is very extraordinary ...
Pemandangan alamnya sangat menyatu dengan keindahan hasil karya tangan manusia, taman Jeulikat Indah memang top, boleh dijadikan tempat untuk refreshing, bersantai, dan berkumpul bersama keluarga dan sahabat sahabatmu. tempatnya yang begitu nyaman jauh dari kebisingan kota. Nah sekian dulu ceritaku malam ini teman stmian semua, semoga hari dan malam kalian semua menyenangkan ya.
The landscape is very united with the beauty of the work of human hands, Jeulikat Indah is a top garden, can be a place to refreshing, relax, and gather together your friends and friends. the place is so comfortable away from the noise of the city. Well that's all my story tonight stmian friends all, hopefully day and night you all fun yes.
Untuk temanku yang belum pernah bertemu, hanya berkomunikasi lewat kolom komentar dengannya, aku hanya bisa mengikutinya lewat postingan cerita ceritanya, ini membuatku sangat senang sehingga aku menjadi termotivasi untuk terus menulis dan berbagi cerita disini, dia sungguh membuatku menjadi terinspirasi, dia benar benar hebat dan baik hati, @lyndsaybowes semoga suatu saat kita bisa bertemu kawan, love u my friend.😍
For my friend who has never met, just communicating through the comment field with him, I can only follow him through his story story, it makes me so happy that I become motivated to continue writing and sharing stories here, he really makes me inspired, he is really great and good heart, @lyndsaybowes hopefully one day we can meet my friends, love u my friend.😍
Buat teman teman stemian semua jangan lupa ya vote ceritaku dan ikuti akubterus ya, karena masih banyak lagi tempat yang ingin aku kunjungi, terimasih teman teman semua,,,😘
For friends all stemian do not forget vote my story and follow me, because there are many more places that I want to visit, thanks all friends ,,, 😘
I love your family, you are all so beautiful! Thanks a lot this was a great #walkwithme.
I love you to my friend ,, your is the best, you have made me inspired and motivated to continue writing in order to continue to communicate with you, though only through comment, hopefully one day we can meet @lyndsaybowes, love u so much😍😘