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RE: We Had It All

in #walkwithme7 years ago (edited)

You wrote:
(I wish you all the happiness of this world and praying to God for completion of this.)

If you wish all that for me. How can I fail?
You are so poised and pretty.
The gods would have to see and hear all that you say and then do it for you.
If I was a god. I would.
So, maybe they will too.
Making your pathway of life straight and removing all obstacles that would hinder you.
That is who you are.
You are powerful. You are mighty. But you are also caring and compassionate.
A complete recipe for total and complete success in your life.

Together my mermaid friend. We race to my blog page.
You swim as a mermaid to see if I have posted anything.
I rise quickly to see if you have commented on my work.
We are rewarded. We both get to see what we wanted and needed.
Success my little mermaid friend. Success.

Have a wonderful time during your days and nights.
You are and will always be remembered.
With love and respect.



Dear sir your love and expression of blessings is awesome and heart touching it's spontaneous like your beautiful heart.

It is you. You are the one.
You alone control and can open the flood gates of pure bliss and delight.
I have delighted in your presence.
The aura of your personage knows no bounds.
You leap across time and space.
I am overwhelmed by your influence.
Waiting each day for some new ray of light coming from the essence of all that you are.

I must stop my fingers.
See how unruly they can get at times. lol
With love and respect


Dear sir your expression of thoughts is very very beautiful and I think you should start writing poems because of your expressions, feelings and emotions that you pour directly from the bottom of your heart is very very nice.