Walk With Me In My Community......It's A Winter Wonderland In The Country

This post is dedicated to the "Walk with Me" Series that @lyndsaybowes has got going here on STEEMIT. Today was a little warmer, but grey ish out, but felt like going for a long walk since I couldn't get out yesterday to Ice Fish, because of the rain, so I went walking in the country, then for a small drive, with my dog.

Here is my favorite picture taken this morning. It is -22 C with the wind chill and all the tree's look so beautiful with the frost all over them.


Here are some of the Farmer's Horses just down the road. They feel the cold.


This little guy is staying close to the shelter to block the wind.


Another Farmer down the road has implemented a solar system to provide electricity to his home and his barns and his agriculture business. He grows hay for his animals, such as cows, and horses.


The Solar Panel set up in his hay field.

walk 4.jpg

This is a forest that was planted 20 years ago by the Girl Guides and Beavers and Scouts, to help in the process of Reforestration in our community. Look at the perfect rows.


And last down to the creek, that leads to the larger Lake. It still has not frozen completely, even with the bone chilling -40 C temps we have endured recently.


So that's how my morning went. This is my first attempt in this wonderful series "Walk With Me". I enjoyed this exercise.

Happy Walking Trails Folks

All Photo's are originals I have taken with my Iphone 6


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Beautiful community!!! I never had such experience in my place like yours...Your community looks like wearing a white coat...-22.c I am sure its very very cold and cold fir the horses there...Its challenging but worth of living in such a wonderful environment!!!

Thank you it is cold but worth the breathtaking views

Yes!! And it was my honor...@gardengirlcanada

I really enjoyed this post! Good idea, I love culture and nature... Canada has plenty of that to share! I liked the part about the scouts planting the trees. Those sort of things are hidden and so often overlooked. But someone did some good work there and it paid off, I am glad to have seen it. Keep it up!

Wow great morning walk @gardengirlcanada.. How I wish I can visit your place there .. Greetings from your friend at another planet Philippines :)

The Philippines, you would be in shock coming to Canada with such cold temps, it is also so pretty in the summer you would probably enjoy that a bit more, my friend.

Yes .. It is really cold there.. I have my close friend there a Filipino he migrated there in canada last 2014.. And now he loves snowbording . He really have fun.. Hopefully I can visit him someday and also you my friend

I love the tag #walkwithme because of these pictures.

Very nice walk this morning, @gardengirlcanada! Love the look of the frost on the trees. I think that the water is not freezing like it should because there is lots of it perhaps due to rain and it fast moving. Fast moving water takes longer to freeze solid.

Everything you share on your walk-about looks looks so peaceful, serene, a calm beauty blanketing the landscape. The thing I love about your narrative is how cold it really is and the wind chill factor and that a horse is actually using a barn for cover from the wind. Calm in the midst of chaos came to my mind...nature and animals have so much to teach us. Thank you for sharing such beauty with us :)

Thank you. I encourage you to join in this "walk with me" series so we all can enjoy where you come from as well.

All of the snow looks so ethereal... -I'm in a tropical country heheh-

Days like this I sometimes wish I was in a tropical place too. LOL

YAY!!!! That was awesome @gardengirlcanada, I can't lie though.... brrrr!!! -22~~~ eeek!! Brave of you to get out there! Nice to see that farm's solar set up, I wish there were more of that, I wish it was a bit cheaper, hopefully one day!

Your first photo was exquisite! Wonderful job!

Thank you. Your turn for the colder temps is coming next week. Yes it is refreshing to see farms adopting solar. They get perks and huge discounts from the province of Ontario for doing so. If you simply register your farm with OFA it is linked to the prov gov.

I like how you capture these portraits of winter Great.

Thank you.

So nice to see all that snow! It hasn't snowed much here where I am in the UK, hopefully we'll get some this winter, the kids miss it!

Ya snow can grow on you over the years. I think I would miss it too.

Awesome place . I've decided I'll do my masters in Canada 😍

LOVE that first picture of the driveway or lane lined with trees! SO BEAUTIFUL!

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hello SNOW! must say I'm a bit jealous, it's just cold here (although today it warmed up and feels balmy). Glad those horses are staying warm-ish!

Whew.. that looks incredibly cold.. I'm gonna go make some cocoa to warm up.. beautiful pics..

oh those poor horsies! Why aren't they indoors?

As much as I love walking in winter, that looks intense

Oh it's not that bad, if you bundle up. The horses are hardy and are used to it.

Beautiful!!! Upvoted and following <3

Upvoted your post and now following you as well I left a comment you should read.

As an African, I can only imagine how snow looks Like... Its so beautiful ....but the animals though,still out in the cold?

This post is sponsored by @appreciator in collaboration with #steemitbloggers. Keep up the good work

I'm glad I did that walk from the comfort of my home. Starkly beautiful images and country there. But I'm not a fan of such extreme cold - so thank you for sharing and allowing me to stay warm and dry whilst viewing them.

I enjoyed the 'walk'.

I'd say I "miss" snow but living in San Diego, I don't even get the opportunity to miss it! Thanks for sharing, great to take a walk in your shoes during Winter ;)

~ Kevin

Thanks a lovely walk, I imagine you won't feel the cold after a while particularly when you're going through such amazing view

Indeed a very serene and beautiful place it is. Thanks for sharing these amazing moments :)

Beautiful! I love the walk with me thing. It has been warmer here in canada the past few days, in the okanagan its warm enough to be out in a warm sweater and everything is melting! Its nuts!

Ohhhh gorgeous!
I just got back to Canada meself, Montréal to be exact. It's super lovely snowy here too. Glad I missed the crazy cold from last week tho! O__O
It's my first winter over here. Quite the adventure.
Obvioulsy I live in the city, but I love taking nice long walks too!
It's lovely that everything you see on your walk has it' story <3

How lovely, it looks amazing with the snow. Wonderful:-)

Oh I love this idea. Here in Germany we have only ha a few days of snow. I wish we could have more.

Great. Looking forward for yor future posts

Enjoyed the walk with you through the brisk morning air seeing nature you live with @gardengirlcanada

Congratulations on your post being selected https://steemit.com/appreciator/@appreciator/daily-quality-content-rewards-46

@gardengirlcanada the snow makes everything look so serene and beautiful on top, but I guess it creates it's own trials and tribulations underneath. I love seeing steemers own pics from different parts of the world. Thank you

Beautiful captures, my chilly Northern neighbor! You had an even colder cold snap than us here in New England - yikes! I agree - that first shot is my favorite of the group, but they are all lovely (if chilly!). Thanks for the nice stroll!

i wish i could visit this place

Gorgeous photos my fellow Canadian...and I now have solar power envy lol! Glad it got warmer so you could get out. Beautiful surroundings <3

Brr.... it looks so cold!

What a lovely community you have going there. The solar panels, the tree planting all sounds incredible. I can not IMAGINE choosing to go outside with those temps, though! Thank you for sharing and braving the cold!

I haven't seen snow this year :(

Peaceful snowy community. I love the idea of these walk with me posts.

Amazing first picture, just kept starring at it because it is so perfect. Can’t believe how cold it is up there in the north woods of Canada. You are a hardy breed to be able to endure such temperatures. 🐓🐓

it's so beautiful ! I wish to visit canada someday <3 @gardengirlcanada where are you based in canada? we've heard so much of good things about you all, except the blistering cold haha

from one canadian girl to another I love it.