Plants have a Latin name Peperoma pellicida L. which is a native plant of the United States that has now spread and one of them in the land of Java. In our community, this plant is also often called by the name of a water storage plant. This is because the leaf shape is wide enough and looks like it can accommodate rain water.
Plants that are still classified into the family piperaceae is a small seasonal terna plant that has a shallow roots and already found to grow wild because it is easy to breed. Thus, you may often find it in rice field, yard, park and open terrain with soaked and moist soil conditions. For those of you who have never or know him at all, the following we describe the characteristics of leaves and other parts of plants that include:
Leaves: Colored green, forming small clumps and multiplying.
Rod: Shaped sekulen (contain water content), fleshy rather thick but soft and soft.
Flower: Elongated, green and grows between the leaf's armpits.
As for more jelasnaya you can see the picture below.
Gynecology and benefits of leaf surge or water overlap for health
As if seen from the many benefits that can be in the body, then there is also a question that we need to answer tekait various content contained in leaves suruhan. And indeed it turns out in this leaf contained various benefits that include such as essential oils, alkaloids, fats and oxalic acid. In addition, leaves of the order also have various pharmacological properties, including:
Analgesics - both pain relievers and pain relievers
Antiinflammatory - also known as anti-inflammatory terms which have the benefit of preventing and overcoming inflammation in the body.
Antibiotics - Suppress and prevent the growth of harmful organisms or parasites while preventing infection.
The various properties of leaf orders include the following:
Helps relieve symptoms of sore peru.
Helps heal headaches, dizziness, migraines and related health problems.
Helps in overcoming and clearing acne on the face
Able to reduce the pain caused by arthritic symptoms in persendia
Treat gout disease.
Overcoming stiff and also reduces tiredness due to work.
Accelerate wound healing especially burns.
Helps smooth and overcome urinary tract disorders.
Maintain the health of kidney organs.
Overcoming and reducing colic in infants.
Even related to the use of leaf soup as a natural uric acid remedy has been through research, which among do by students of Department of Biochemistry Faculty of Mathematics and Science (FMIPA) Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) which consists of Nursofiana Saumi Ningrum, Wulan Widianti, Elsha Ukieyanna, Khairunnisa and Novili Eka Syafitri.
In the study, according to the team leader Nursofiayanan said that leaves the leaves in the extract in two ways with water and ethanol. Both are proven to decrease the XO enzyme work quite well. The inhibitory power of the extracted ethanol extract is much greater than the water extract. Which they can conclude that the ethanol extract of the surrogate is proven in vitro has the potential to be an antigout drug because it can take better XO enzymes than the aquatic extracts.
Then, how to process leaves leaves to be a medicine?
To be made as an in medicine, you can pound a rough leaf suruhan, boil filter and water consumption regularly. As for external treatments such as for acne and burns, you can smear until smooth leaves leaf and paste it on the skin of the problem.
Well, that's some of the benefits and benefits of leaf surfer or water overlap for health. Hopefully what we convey on this occasion can be useful and add your insight around the world of herbs. Greetings healthy!
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