I really like Echo tunnel during the summer one side is very dry, but when you come out the other side its very green and different, it's an amazing transformation, like coming out into a secret garden.
If you walk in the center of the tunnel you don't have to duck, the first few times I went through I used the iphone torch, but now just straight through - fear conquered :)
I don't usually have to duck through things anyway, I just assume everyone is taller than me and might have to ;D
That is really cool, was that done deliberately? Is the tunnel a shortcut through a tougher hike?
Yay for conquered fears XD Hope there's no spiders or bats that live in there XD
Haha yeah I'm just short enough to get away without ducking with some things - has to be some advantage to being short.
Going through the tunnel is officially part of the waterfall hike; I often see people reach the tunnel look in and turn back...it's not that bad once you have been through a few times - what a fantastic paradise to explore the other side if you can overcome the fear :)