~ 102 ~ Walk With Me: Rough Water in Our Little Cove (I also found another secret egg stash outside... #chickenbitchez strike again!)

in #walkwithme7 years ago


This only happens a couple times a year, when the wind goes so crazy that our little cove actually gets some movement. Usually when you guys see it, it's calm and always a flat surface. The water just slowly rises and falls, it is never disturbed. I liked it out there today, except for how cold it was.

See something different in a #walkwithme, and don't mind the curse words ;)

(Video 1:06)



Enough about the water, I know you really want to hear about what these #chickenbitchez have been up to today...Allow me to present to you: Secret Egg Stash Location #5


This time they are laying inside a big rosebush, OUCH. I think I preferred when they laid eggs in the bottom of the barbecue, this is getting painful.



It wasn't me -Peter Parker


I don't know why those #chickenbitchez do what they do, they're a tough bunch to keep in line. -Mr. Pendock


I got 99 problems but #chickenbitchez ain't one :'( -Big Smokie the Bachelor Rooster (And not by choice)


You would know if it was me Lyndsay I lay blue eggs the size of a dime. -Buddy


SHHH...And put your heads down, she's looking our way! -The ChickenBitchez


Peter Parker was at it again last night.
I suspect he has a girlfriend.......


I found this stash of SpiderChicken eggs this morning!?

You need to keep an eye on him!

OOooh SIIICK HAHAHAA!! Those are positively the nastiest eggs I have ever seen! Well played Parker, well played!

This made me laugh this morning! Love it lol.

Hahah that's the reason why you are every morning going for a walk? Secret egg station! Hmm a few new babys once in a while would for me not be a problem, I would love to see there pictures! Do they survive the cold, canadian winter?

We have hatched a lot of chicks, but never in the winter. It will be time soon to let one of the ladies have some babies, and you bet I'll be posting photos :) :) :) Thanks for visiting @xsasj <3 <3

Hahaha those silly chickens creeping inside a rose bush to lay their eggs! I imagine them all off to the side while you navigated the thorny canes, watching you out of the corners of their eyes and giggle-clucking with satisfaction :)

You got that right @mtnmeadowmomma LOL!! <3 <3 <3 Thanks for the laughter you always bring me, I love ya!!

This time they are laying inside a big rosebush, OUCH. I think I preferred when they laid eggs in the bottom of the barbecue, this is getting painful.

Rosebushes have thorns, right ? No wonder you worry but the eggs are so cute that I am even considering homesteading.
You are such a fine writer and I think honestly that you understand the language of the chickens. Thank you so much for sharing.
Xander sends his love and also regrets for not being able to connect. He is in the hospital, down with typhoid but hopes to be up and doing very soon. Lots of love sis.

Omg I'm so sorry to hear about Xander, I hope his health improves right away! Tell him I am sending him tonnes of good healing energy and all my hugs!! xoxo

Thank you so much my sis, he will hear.

My sweet Peter! 💕💕💕

He's so cute and innocent <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Just a darling!

Hahaha! Big Smokie's Badass Beard!! I love it. Better send ya some magic gloves girl! The years in the cold made u strong like bull 😂. You're cove is a nice contrast to the ice here 💚💙

I cannot believe the awful winter still going on for you Jill....just surreal!! I asked you in a comment yesterday but you may not have seen: Did you guys get any chinooks this year?

Good morning! Busy.org is a bit wonky in how it works likely i should switch browsers and use my laptop rather than my phone....but the phone is actually pretty easy just need to switch browsers. Anyways, i thought i replied to that q but i will let u know here too (using steemit.com again!) We had chinook for a glorious maybe two weeks before Christmas. And, then again a day here and a day there. But, not at all like usual. I think usually, it's warmer like 75% of the time. This year it's been cold 90% of the time! Our first snow storm was at the beginnng of October!! It's still going hard here into March!! Oh --the beach will feel like bliss this summer!!!!!! Squeeeeee! Personally, i am enjoying winter for a few reasons! 1. I grew up in cental Saskatchewan winter is waaaaay harsher there giving contrast to this 2. From an earth based spirituality perspective a group of likeminded healers and myself on advice of our Elder, have begun the process of tuning into the seasons to get to know them better, starting with this winter! Which, i think has had huge benefit to my own healing too. Long reply! Lol 😁

Steem has also been huge!!! To help me get through the cold and dark because i can feel so connected, learn so much, and see financial support. It's like a huge miracle! I can do it warm and cozy in my bed for the most part!!! Can't wait to dlive yoga classes (again by your inspiration 💖) it's a pretty freeking exciting time! Glad i get a second chance. Glad for you. So glad for you. Hugs!!

Oooh I'm sorry to have had to make you type that twice, but I'm glad to read it! I'm loving the winter too, just for the time away from the garden chores. I know...should read: "winter" lolol..

So happy that your heart and soul are healing and that you are loving tuning into the season. Beach time, here you come!! So weird to not have any chinooks there, definitely a weird year for weather.

I think i'll join the tag movement, since the snow is melting. Have some places to visit and burn some calories anyway.

I always see chickens when i visit your profile haha

Upvoted and resteemed as part of the medic movement. In the case you have received any flags I will continue to do what I can to improve your visibility and support you while you support others.

Thank you so much @mudcat36, you are a real Human Angel xoxo

Secret egg stash indeed. Sometimes chicken lay the eggs in awkward and funny places and usually hard to keep track of. I hope the farm is secure and the egg doesnt get eaten

Thank you @giantshoulder, I hope so too :)

It's no longer snow, Is the winter is over. Thank you @lyndsaybowes dear

Yes, no more ice in the cove, it's soooooo nice to see that ocean again even if it is still cold <3 <3 <3

Spring jackets in the winter LOL you are so Canadian :)) like people wearing sneakers in Montreal with 10 inches of snow...I didn't know the weather was mild in Nova Scotia!

Yeah, we have a pretty good secret going on over here. If you're around Halifax, this part of the province, is extremely mild for Canada. I've lived all over the country, and even though it's not as mild as Van Island and the lower mainland, it's still soooooo sweet. We don't even get winter here until the end of December. T shirts in December here most days. February is usually pretty ugly but the coldest I've ever seen it here was -15 and that was only for one or two days hahahhahaa~!!!! It's sick :)

You guys are so spoiled compared to the rest of us :)) Mild winter climate is so sweet along with the beauty of living right next to the moody ocean...I think I know where I'm moving next!!

You would love it soooooooo much!!! xoxoxo

<3 <3 <3

btw, this guy https://steemit.com/@starjuno just flagged me for a polite comment about his mentor and #1 upvoter
The big fish need to fight this standing strong together, we small fish will just get crushed.
However, I'm trying to power up.

Can you link me to the flagged comment, we can get it back to visible :) And yes, I wholeheartedly agree with you, we gotta stand together.

Ok, it should be visible now, let me know :)

Yes, it's visible now, thank you! It may happen again as I don't know how to shut up LOL
I will let you know :))

it seems that Peter Parker will become an @lyndsaybowes father, and their family will get bigger again. and lyndsay will be a lot more busy later. the spirit is always yes @lyndsaybowes, I like your smile and your spirit today.

Thank you for coming by @musliwadi <3 <3 I love how much you love Peter Parker hehehe...

You must be wary of the wind and should not approach much of the water... If you fall into the water... Who are we going to walk with him? and, who's going to take care of my friends? heheh
We need you here with us in Steemit.
And I have to meet with Hercules to find the spy that tells you the secret places. Anyway, it was a beautiful day.@lyndsaybowes

Hey @yagoub, I think you are onto something there...where the hell was Hercules???!!!! Guaranteed he was off plotting trouble...most likely in the company of Darth Layer!

I think Hercules is looking for the spy... That's clear in his gait.

:) That's Mr. Pendock <3 But I do see a suspicious looking tail right infront of the camera..!!

lol ...I told you before. neeed to see all your posts every day in order to know all my friend's names... lol

I see, that this year spring is not kind to anyone with heat and sun ))) Yesterday in my town was declared a storm warning from-for strong blizzards and wind.

the powers of Mr. pendock not over da will multiply his successor.

Thank you for believing in Mr. Pendock's dominance, he flaps his wings to you good Sir.

Heh, I think you do a great job of giving your chickens voices. They are all so silly.

I was scanning the pictures of the shoreline trying to see if anyone was having problems. Apparently I have experience with flooding. :)

Thanks for enjoying the chicken's dialogue lolol :) :) No flooding here yet!

How did you get all your experience btw?

Nice day my friends.. @lyndsaybowes <3


Wow beautiful place, this is perfect for me beheaded fish .. haha
Cool .. in my opinion he is more manly than peter parker .. haha

HAHA I'm glad you enjoy my youtube channel, and yes I have to agree with you, Smokie is a MAN

Them bunch of soft cocks need to man up get that haram back in line. They been over run by them there chickenbitchez. 1 teaspoon of concrete in there mornin coffee and tell them to harden the fuck up. 😂

BWA HAHAA oooh Tony, I loves ya Bro~!!!! Thanks for the chuckles!

Not so secrete anymore. We all know where it is :) These chickens are bigger and look different than what we have.

Touche @leeart, touche...

I commented on your YouTube video earlier on. Watch out for it!

Nice to have another friend over there, thanks Shaun!

@lyndsaybowes, Very interesting to see some rough wind with little cove. I felt Canadian wind my heart soul. It;'s very young wind. I love wind everywhere with some big waves. Cove was little bit rough I seems via video. Nice video presentation by you. Surrounding area very cool and calm.
Peter Parker colorful and very easy to recognize. Big Smokie looking around & always bachelor rooster. My dreamy prince Mr.Pendock every time gives me happiness with his attraction.

You would know if it was me Lyndsay I lay blue eggs the size of a dime. -Buddy.

What a content Buddy talked. :) :) :) Nice to meet you #chcikenbithchez today.

I'm happy you tagged along with me on another adventure @madushanka! Thanks, and Buddy sends you her love, tiny little chicken hugs too xoxo

Curse Words from Pretty lady Feels like Flowers :p Don't worry ;)
The House that we saw in the video was built on the water?

Yes, it is a fish house. So the boat pulls up to it to load and unload.

Get some gloves and a proper coat, damn! LOL
Oh, those #chickenbitches and their secret stashes. YOU GUYS THAT'S NOT THE KIND OF STASH YOUR HOOMAN LIKES. 😂

That's right, you tell em Phe! Keep it in the nesting boxes #chicknbitchez!! Please!!

I missed out commenting on a lot of your posts. Though I signed up for Steem Auto for upvoting automatically on all your posts but that eventually led to missing out on a lot of posts :/

Another great episode of #WalkWithMe :)

Aw, thanks so much for having me on auto <3 <3 <3 And for stopping by to see that our ice finally melted! What have you been up to lately Goel?

Haha been a while lost track of my Steemit, endless post everywhere loosing all the good ones (found some now haha). Lovely to see all the ice melted what a change. Baltic winds everywhere by the seems of it. 💯🐒

Yeah, are you guys still getting hit??

No the beast has subsided but the media has not apparently now they are saying floods and water shortages .... beats me that one! 💯🐒

Omg the MSM drama never ends hey? lollol and people just eat it up.

So true the British media is poison, people always say US media is here but personally I think US media is blatant British is subtle and people are sucked right in!
What more snow today ! 💯🐒

Nice to see the choppy water adding texture to the pictures. The big house at the tree end of the cove looks pretty fancy. Not as fancy as Mr Pendock though ;)

Aww! Mr. Pendock sends his thanks <3 <3 <3

Weird about the wind. It's extra windy here too. We had damaging winds in New England. I didn't lose power, but many have, including my mom. She has it back now, but our storms lately seem to bring a lot of wind. We have another snow and rain storm coming today into tomorrow morning. yuk! Working today, and it's going to be messy when I get out. I'm shouting for spring to come very soon! :))

We're on alert for that same storm. I've been calling this the Winter of Wind now, it has been crazy. We have got hardly any snow all winter, but the winds in December, and now in March have been unreal!! I hope you stay safe, dry and warm for the upcoming storm Anna!

Yes, it is the winter of wind! That's the perfect name for it.
We have rain today I think but had snow last night. They are clearing the roads here at the condo. Thanks! Luckily I don't have far to go to work. You stay safe too. Hope the winds calm down soon for us all! :))

Water is powerful and cleansing. It knows just what to do for us and nature. I like seeing busy waters, even though flat waters make beautiful mirrors, rough waters are reminders of how powerful it can be ^_^

It certainly was a nice change, and listening to the water lapping was refreshing :) :) :)

the bitchez strike again is right! devious little bunch they are... I think we need to invent GPS collars that work on a mesh network so we can see where they go when we're not looking... #bitchezsurveilence

HAHAA!!! YASSSS!! Loving the new hashtag LOL!!! Truth is though, we'd be bored to death watching them...or would we? I won't know until I set up my new surveillance network!!

Oh that's a 24/7 live stream id DEFINITELY watch haha BitchezWatch.

Health is wealth.....every person should be 1/2 hours walking peroid......
your walking time's photography very beautiful......i appreciate it......

Thanks, I'm glad you liked today's photos @martin897!

obviously firstly i'm shocked that where are the chicken's photo... then scrolling down then found #chickenbitchez ... 👍cz since i follow you i only saw in your post chicken that's why i was confused.😁

I'm glad I didn't disappoint :)

photography is nice kawan.dan beautiful sea view. I like


I like your chickens, thanks for sharing :)

Yes, you are welcome

Hv nice day with the eggs,,,
Maybe if there is no water, the eggs at that place,,, :)
Thanx for sharing,,, :)

Thanks for coming by @rezack.

You are welcome my friend,,, @lyndsaybowes
Always support you to share a quality content,,, :)

The best part of keeping chicken is when they lay eggs 🤣🤣

They are so cute... Especially Peter Parker.

This is absolutely amazing and also great photography

Wow !it's a very welldone photography thats amazing just heart touching photography nothing to say negative from your photography!!😍😍😍😍😍😍

;) you are Sherlock homes :)

Your fondness toward chicks. I am happy to see that someone is happy to care and observe them.

Today you find secret eggs and your are detective.

I am an egg detective, you got it!


so nice and wonderful

I've heard from my friends about the #ophumanangels tag. Can I join. Being so inspired with the work you do..

Of course, all it takes is to do any random act of kindness, and make a post about it <3 <3

please advice from you .. how to make postings #ophumanangels

I always follow you. I am very impressed with the principle. You have the principle of caring for others

Thank you for also having a really big heart, and caring for others <3 <3

Hahaha .. really nice ,,, I like @lyndsaybowes

Man you can hear that wind howling .. on the plus side the wind is carrying spring towards your little cove .. honestly lol

You got waves! I haven't seen waves in your cove before! Guess I haven't been around long enough...Can't get those ChickenBitchez to lay eggs in one nice spot? They're just after your goat...

Great post

the eggs have 2 colors, and I'll guess it, the white color when dripping must be rooster. Hahahahhahacocoxo

Omg lolololol!!