It was a beautiful, balmy day...
The sea must have risen very high...
Actually, I should go back tomorrow and take it for my garden...
My Favourite Architecture
And Birds
Does anyone know where today's secret egg nest is?
Here are a few of the today's walks by fellow Steemians who got out there in the world, and took us with them!
See life through their eyes.
Walk With Me: Wintertime Rotational Feeding of Hay to Sheep - An Update By @sagescrub
As another field season approaches... musings on a life spent on the move By @holothewise
Better Love Next Time--As We Walk Along By @francisk
Walk with me at Kroger b4 the storm! By @mamabear72
A Steemit Meet Up And Walk Through Bringing History, Steemit, Exercise, And People Together. By @mudcat36

I know you've just been dying to see the Puddle Barometer, haha, above is yesterday's, and below is today's reading. You can see that it's really warmed up and the ground is easily taking in water, as well as some evaporation too. It's supposed to get cold again starting tomorrow, so we'll check back in with the P.B. then.
See life through their eyes.
Walk With Me: Wintertime Rotational Feeding of Hay to Sheep - An Update By @sagescrub
As another field season approaches... musings on a life spent on the move By @holothewise
Better Love Next Time--As We Walk Along By @francisk
Walk with me at Kroger b4 the storm! By @mamabear72
A Steemit Meet Up And Walk Through Bringing History, Steemit, Exercise, And People Together. By @mudcat36
Don't talk to me about chicken shit!!! 😂
You know all too well I was invaded this week, there are still loads on site since the great 'chicken run'!
Anyway babe, you've done well getting up and going for a stroll when you don't feel like it, goes to show how far you've come in the previous 72 walks.
I hope you're proud, you bloody well should be 😉 x
You are definitely scarred for Life! AHAHHAHAAA!! I loves it!!!
Yep, if they're still there and attack me again on Monday...its war!
I'm assuming the chickens has put the seaweed into piles order to hide the egg nest .... I am happy because my friends think smartly
You may be onto something there haha...
Hey @lyndsaybowes another beautiful set of pictures! I really enjoyed this walk!! Sadly it looks as though the beautiful old wooden building/fish hut? may not survive another storm like this? :( I did manage to get out and take some pictures the other day and when I have a moment I will load them up and take you on a #walkwithme :D
Oooh that's MUSIC to my ears !!! YESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A @perceptualflaws #WalkWithMe!!!!!!!!!
In Canada 🍁 looks exactly like the scenery in Norway... Good pic by the way... Ye it's like you saying it's gray... Well done... And a amazing blog you made here on steemit 🌟.. Impressing... Respect 🙏 have a great weekend ✌️🎯
Thank you for enjoying, I hope one day you take us on a #walkwithme in Norway!
I might do next time I will wishing mo home contry.. Now I'm living in between Phangan and Bali.. I bet you having take a look on my blog... Some nice sunset for sure and maybe some inspiration for life in general.. I'm very impressed by your work and blog here on steemit... I'm working on it... But judt learned English... So I'm like a 6 years old kid writing English... Haha... I try to make good contens... And no copy cat... Anyway keep up your good work... And have a wonderful Sunday... Stay clear and safe🙏
The photos today are exceptionally breath taking. I love that sort of sea side architecture. Even though I am lucky enough to also live by the sea, it is such a part of me that I can look at seascape images for hours and often do! And I agree, getting out there and walking in nature is as good as coffee, although a cup before hand doesn't hurt.
As I am typing this the wind and rain are battering Toad Hall. It is so good to know that out there the snow is all going away. Tomorrow is to be a balmy 60F as well, but then the cold comes back, sad face.
I am a bit worried, as my silly quail, who have now been allowed to go out of their pen into a little run, dont seem to know to go back in and are huddled under the logs I put in there from the rain! Maybe they like it that way.
That does look like a high tide. I LOVE it here when we get the magic combination of a new moon and a really high tide as when it leaves we get so many treasures. And of course the tidal flats at low tide then are also full of good finds.
Here I am writing another letter in your comments. You will just have to get used to it. :)
I found you on @Lyndsaybowes and I love what you write. I am now following you. I am her motherinlaw. yikes the out law. Lets connect
That sounds great!
Thanks for liking today's shots. Sorry to hear about the storm and your poor little quail :( :( Their huddle must be nice and warm at least <3 <3
I definitely indulged in a cup or 8 before I went hahaha!! Write me anytime Donna, I love your letters <3 <3
It does look like there was some damage due to the storm. I would run out there for that seaweed. Excellent for the garden.
When storm are approaching us the ocean air has this funky fish smell that we normally don't get. I love the fresh salt air smell that we get when it is not stormy. We don't seaweed on our beach. Logs and driftwood yes. Seaweed no. It is probably due to the reef that sits just off the shore.
Nice walk once again. It's hard to believe this is number 73!
I think I know the fishy smell you are talking about...we get something like that here at times, the kids call it "butt mud" lololol!!! eww.w.....
LOL. Where did they come up with that one? Too funny...
At low tide there are some pretty muddy parts you can sink right in to your thighs. And with the smell...well...
Great pics ! That was quite a storm @lyndsaybowes ! thanks for sharing with us all on your walk ! 👍👍👍
Heheheee!! I just LOVE your personalized photos!! They always bring a smile!!
Awe thanks !! 👍💕✌👍👌
The storm did wreak a lot of havoc but nature will always heal itself. Outside is still beautiful. 'The punisher' , that name always amuses me and often reminds me of law courts and Judges
I'm glad you like her name :) It makes us laugh too.
The expression on that juvenile seagull in the first picture!
He's like, "Well, survived that. What you got for me next, world?"
He looks rather smug doesn't he? hahahaha!
But his legs look so cold! I want to knit him some longjohns.
Awww, that gives me the cutest and funniest mental image ever hahaha!!
<3 ^w^ You make living out this way so magical hahaha.
Do you guys have any national parks out your way?
We bought a park pass this summer.
There's two around where we live.
There's probably quite a few out here, so many places in NS to explore, we haven't even covered 1/100th of this province!!
Getting out of the sport works on the psychological and physical well-being of the person
You're so right! xoxo I love to walk, it makes me feel so good!
Yay ... no ice today so I don't feel the cold! I have used seaweed and seagrass in my garden and have very good results! They are definitely much cheaper than buying fertilizers.
That's awesome that you use seaweed for fertilizer!!
This walk is sounding different because the weather is slowly warming. I can say that it's a free feel breath. You well captured every image. You never forget to click an image of puddle barometer and never forget to share puddle barometer image in the last of your blog. Lol... Haha <3 <3 <3 <3
I always dreamed of living by the sea. I see a special charm. The cries of gulls, this particular incomparable smell of salt spray. The wind. I love it. I believe that one day will fulfill my dream. And going to see the ocean every day, and breathe it.
I hope you get your dream, this would be amazing!
such a peaceful walk, the storm certainly wreaked havoc though didn't it! Lovely post :)
Thank you so much for coming along with us <3
You got off your what? I am shocked. I am not allowed to be thinking about your...................................................
OK I got back up off the floor. Now. What was the discussion about???
Oh, I remember. I am afraid to put my foot down now. I heard the word shirt so many times. I thought I was swimming in it. Ha ha
C'mon. Have a little fun. You are so funny. Ha ha
I nearly fall out of my chair laughing.
All joking aside. All Francis? Yes all. OK
I love your walks and photos. It is so interesting to me to see what you see.
The area and place that you live in is a wonderful place to be.
I love being around the water. You should be able to catch good fish there.
OK. I am seated again now. Better close out the reply while I am "the behind."
Francis. Shame. You aren't supposed to say that. Ha ha
I grew tired of censoring myself long ago hahaha, I'm done with political correctness :) Glad I can make you laugh Francis :) :)
Beautiful shots today! I really love the seaweed ones...that is wild the seaweed made it to the road! I am always a fan of the lobster traps:).they make for such cool pics. Nice editing<3
I just love that old building. I can see why it is your favorite. So much character and history. I loved that you put it in B&W. It is amazing how the minute we get moving we feel better and motivated. Way to go for getting out there today. : )
It was such a beautiful day in the Maritimes today. Infact I was just out having a puff on the deck in my tee-shirt. Wacky weather eh? It was so cold last week now it's mild. Great walk action Lynds, I love the shots of wharfs and old wooden structures plus ofcourse the water, basically I love where we live! Have a great weekend
We live in one of the most beautiful places in Canada, I know, I've been all around! Enjoy the rain today GoldenARms!
I love these walk with me posts that you do and even more than that, I love that they get my husband bluelightbandit outside more often than usual. I believe they give him extra initiative to go get outside and walk, which is a good thing! I hope to participate soon:)
Photography is awesome! Nice capture, camera can really work wonders. You walks are amazing. If I live there, most probably I'd walk everyday with all those scenic views. Keep walking @lyndsaybowes and thank you for sharing the photos, transporting us to the nice views that your seeing. Keep walking, keep sharing!
Thank you for joining me today @invictuz <3
Your most welcome and thank you for the vote.
How did you get such a nice picture of that first bird... its so clear and close up. Cant wait foe the summer☀️ why was there seaweed on the side of the road? Did the water really get that high? Amazing post btw 😁👍
Zoomed in, and then cropped the pic on the computer and added a filter called 'chrome'. I'm glad you liked it, I use a canon t2i :)
Hahh the bird and their shit, that one made me laugh! The first picture of the bird makes me jealous! It is so sharp and the bokeh is like music to my eyes!
It is an awesome sensation to be just in the nature for a while, with the smell of the ocean. You live in an beautiful area I believe!
I'm glad I could make you laugh!
Wow, the storm surge sure is hard on the docks, isn't it?
That's one good camera, when you can get a picture of the seagull clear enough to see the detail of it's knees...
It's a canon t2i. I had my zoom lens on (you can see I'm really technical lollol I have no clue what mm it is, I could go look) and then I cropped the photo on the computer and added the 'chrome' filter to it.
Nice photo series! The coast looks so different from the Caribbean where I am living now. I am really happy to see a beach without plastic trash though - a very rare sight here... Canada is very high on my travel list :) Thanks for inspiration :)
I'm sorry that you have such a trash problem on your beaches, that is such a shame. :(
Yeah, not just here though... pollution from plastic trash is a serious issue in most tropical/subtropical parts of the world. Countries like Thailand, Indonesia etc. are even worse than what we have here in Mexico. So it really feels good to know there are still unspoilt places where nature can thrive. I just googled where you live (it looks very nice and peaceful there:) ) and its Nova Scotia right? The closest I have been so far was Bar Harbor, Maine - also a very nice place :)
Algae are useful for Your garden. A good gift after the storm. There will be a lot of nutrition for the plants. I read about its benefits. I see that the ocean is a special life. I see that everything is subject to water. It is interesting to look at the houses on the coast. Thank you for the walk.
Thank you for enjoying our part of the world Madlen <3 <3
I would definately scoop up that seaweed! I bet the chickens would like digging through it too. That first shot of the gull is stunning :) lovely editing work <3
I'm with you on getting out for a walk being the antidote to not feeling like doing anything! Getting outside is always good for perking up. I think it looks grayer from the inside looking out. Good insight about the earth taking in more water -- that puggle-o-meter sure works well! ; )
Heheeee soooooo cute!! puggle-o-meter hahaha I may have to coin that!!
I am going to have to get my dictionary out to find new adjectives to describe the beauty in these photos
HAHA!! Right on :) :) Let me know what you come up with hehee
I had never heard the term 'Maritimes of Canada' before.
Then when I was updating the latest list of Homesteaders and Preppers on steemit I came across @walkerland who said they live in the Maritimes of Canada.
By the way we have now reached over 300 homesteaders and preppers here now.
There are 26 from Canada on the latest list.
If you get a minute do check those over and let me know if I have missed any others you know of in Canada. Thank you.
Oooh that's awesome, I'm going to check them out now, thanks @pennsif!!
really this post is very interesting and make my soul feel more peaceful by seeing the birds and also the beach ... it's very dear dock its been damaged, and I think that need a quick repair ...
oh awesome and beautiful,, really see a natural beauty everyday from your side, thankyou. can you please tell how we met on social media , means your facebook accou nt, watsapp ?
Beautiful shots captured my dear, the best ones I like are of the birds. It looks like a perfect day for a day outing with something to munch on. I love to go for my walks near the sea side, its so refreshing and rejuvenating.
I am happy you liked the photos, thank you @nainaztengra <3
Thank Goodness the storm is over. Seaweeds are high on nutrition and I know you will find good use for them. Some sea weeds are edible and packed with a lot of nutrients. Thanks for sharing.
the bird is very beautiful and the beach is very beautiful but unfortunately the maintenance is less than the maximum
great post and incredible ... the birds are very beautiful and the beach water is very clear ... hopefully there is the attention of the government to create a better dock and home improvement near the beach.
Thank you @harrylihardo :)
You're welcome my friend.
Yes,there'll be a pleasant weather after all this mass by storm.
Because it has said,"a great morning comes after a dark night"
I also wish for you and your great city and for bird also that is saved by you. God bless you
Thank you so much @nee-belovedofart :)
These seascapes are so amazing! That must of been some kind of storm swell.
I wish to grow the tag #walkwithme .
What bird stands on the roof of the house 🏡 ?
A gull.
Its amazing how the sea just washes everything up like that! Love these walk with me posts.
Thanks for checking it out @snrm :)
@lyndsaybowes really beautiful photography like it and upvoted!
Wow amazing photography sir.Upvote and resteem done.
beautiful and natural photos
just owesome..
wonderful nature & animals photography..
i like your post..thanks for sharing medam
interesting post @lyndsaybowes ... if I may know !! is it a pet bird or a wild bird ?? What is the name of the bird ??? I really like birds and my heart is peaceful when I hear birds chirping.
It is a gull. It is wild.
Thanks for information...The color is very beautiful ...
Such a wonderful photograpy by @ lyndsaybowes mam...
Wel done and perfect work...
Thank you very much.
Good atmosphere, very good photos, made me want to get there soon