I laughed several times out loud on this post Asher, so well done, crude or not, I'm a fan :)
Apple bobbing always kind of grossed me out, considering all the spit from others in that bin. Unless I was first up. Then, bring it on :) Although I don't ever remember eating the apple; I must've just chucked it at someone!
That view up top is spectacular! Worth the walk up I'd say.
Here's my best guess ... circled in good-egg-yellow :)
I laughed...or at least chuckled...audibly at the following lines:
This was a riot! You are a super clever guy. Who knew? I always just thought you were fairly quiet when you come to visit the show. I may need to pick on you now.
Only thing is, WHERE is this???
Haha aww thank you!
I am quiet until, beers 😊
This is east coast Majorca, I've been here a year and mentioned it a lot, forgot this time though!
Well, I haven't followed you or read your stuff much. So I guess it's about time I do.
Gross and what do you win? An apple... great! Now give me one of those sugar-coated fangs :D
It's a nice view for sure, I should probably take the video camera up.
Lovely good egg yellow there - it that the swimming pool you've circled? :D
Thanks for entering!
Exactly!! Gross!
Yes, a big yellow circle round the swimming pool, although that technically isn't your apartment, but the building beside it😂
Well I have spent a good amount of time in the pool this year so I see where you are coming from here 😁
I did zoom in on the pools, I must admit, and an area not too far from the "mountain" hike, knowing how much you enjoy walking :)
Not a huge fan, but i left without food and so it was always going to be a quick up n down :D