
I don't know what a quarter horse is, you tell me.

ahhaa ... i am more curious with you @banjo .. who are you you really are? You are very logical in asking .. but I like it 😊

Whoa, whoa, slow down. That escalated quickly.

Thank so much @banjo you coming for me in this time ..😊😊

Because I don't like you.

Why you not like me :( :'(

Because you pick your nose.

@banjo .. I am sorry my phone battery is low .. can we continue later? honest .. i never tire of chating with you?

If you are annoyed with my talking to you than, please dismiss yourself.

no @banjo no .. really i'm not bored with you ... only time and battery that does not support .. :( i promise to continue it again ..

Well I want to keep talking to you as well. Maybe some other time?