Walk with me # Zoo part 3

in #walkwithme7 years ago

On this occasion I share some pictures of birds that I took at the zoo in Langsa, aceh, the bird consists of eagles, cockatoos, and pelicans.

Birds belong to birds placed in different places per each species, by visiting the zoo I can introduce the type of animal directly to my two sons.

my children are also very fond of natural learning and see firsthand animals that are still new to them.

Pada kesempatan ini saya bagikan beberapa gambar burung yang saya ambil di kebun binatang di Langsa, aceh, burung tersebut terdiri dari elang, kakatua, Dan burung pelikan.

Burung tergolong unggas ditempatkan di tempat yang berbeda tiap tiap spesies, dengan berkunjung ke kebun binatang saya bisa mengenalkan jenis jenis binatang secara langsung kepada kedua putra saya.

anak anak saya pun sangat menyukai pembelajaran alam dan melihat langsung binatang yang masih tergolong baru bagi mereka.



@zexna............i think,,,you spent a enjoyable day with your both son at zoo garden...........and saw many kind of birds,,that's you post......really so cute birds they are............always be happy.......