Since it been a years I never took my brush and paints for a big art work. A Sudden impact! I had a spontaneous throw to paint my outdoor side wall with some beautiful theme with nature connection. It took me three days to finish this wall art .
Initially I started with a birds and man connection painting at the left corner with different birds with different colours layered with a birdman with orange flame.Finally the output made me progress an idea to paint the whole wall.
Then I made the upperpart with clouds and blue sky.Flow of red and blue like a Chakra down and then extreme right was my east side want to make something bright so I made it into blooming sunlight with yellow, orange and red colours with funky panda down. I taught of making the panda simple but as the colours made me to go funky !
No one could have imagine a panda like this with yellow and crimson colours with a reflecting shades for his eyes !
WIN_20180131_15_01_37_Pro.jpg  and viva la Vida(live your life ).
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