Wallets and cryptocurrencies are two things that always go together. For any crypto enthusiast whether new or experienced may have made use of a cryptocurrency wallet. Despite the benefits of having a wallet, there are still challenges that comes with. Some of these pressing challenges include; difficulty in keeping the wallet safe and secure. There is also the issue of holding different cryptocurrencies in a single wallet. People are always worried that they need to hold their various cryptocurrencies in separate wallets. HUBRISONE is an innovation to bring solutions to the above problems thanks to blockchain technology through a unique simple mobile application.
HUBRISONE is a blockchain innovation that has built an amazing mobile Application for both IOS and ANDROID versions where users can easily send, receive and also store different types of cryptocurrencies. Through the use of the HUBRISONE APP, users can easily store more than 100 different cryptocurrencies with a high level of safety and security on a single mobile device. HUBRISONE App has a platform to support many cryptocurrencies such that users can easily transfer and withdraw some FIATS like USD, GBP, and EUR across the globe. Any cryptocurrency that a user wants to trade or convert to other forms can easily be done on the HUBRISONE mobile App with the aid of the inbuilt peer to peer exchange. With the HUBRISONE App, the security of assets is assured as the private key is safely entrusted to the user without the influence of any third party user.
Many transactions can be done with the HUBRISONE APP. For instance, a user can simply make payments instantly with a quick speed to people in any part of the world. Money transfer can easily be done through emails and mobile phone numbers without any difficulty. As stated earlier, HUBRISONE App supports many cryptocurrencies hence users can send over 100 cryptocurrencies directly through blockchain technology without any stress.
Additionally, users can use the HUBRISONE APP to make transaction by exchanging various cryptocurrencies to HBRS tokens within some few seconds. You easily download the HUBRISONE App for various mobile devices through the links below; ANDROID APP: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nettechnocrats.hubrisone.hubrisone
HUBRISONE IOS APP: https://apps.apple.com/za/app/hubrisone/id1447229687
HUBRISONE mobile application has really come at a good time where many people are struggling with the difficulty of securing many wallets for various cryptocurrencies. With HUBRISONE, users are assured of a high level of security as they store their cryptocurrency assets on this amazing mobile platform. HBRS, which is the official token of the platform is listed on several exchanges and details on that can found on official links of the project.
HBRS which is HUBRISONE token is already listed in many Exchanges. You can also buy and sell HBRS using these exchanges. You can get access the mobile applications through the links below;
IOS: https://apps.apple.com/za/app/hubrisone/id1447229687
ANDROID: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nettechnocrats.hubrisone.hubrisone
Get more information on the mobile application and more by visiting the links below;
website : https://www.hubrisone.com/
Whitepaper : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1enh6bm59MXPMmQ8MVKXs68iShXD45L7p
Telegram : https://t.me/hubrisonebounty
Twitter : https://twitter.com/hubrisone/
Bitcointalk profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2511518
I obtained images from hubrisone official pages
Good job by the developers at HubrisOne App. I think interface of the application is simply amazing.