Howdy Steemians,
today i was playing with some wallpaper ideas, i got in mind over the past week. Enjoy!
STEEM-BULL wallpaper in different sizes
STEEM EXPERIENCE - Bullish on steem - A4 - portrait (595x842)
STEEM EXPERIENCE - Bullish on steem - HD - 1440x1024
STEEM EXPERIENCE - Bullish on steem - HD - 1920x1200
Custom WP size request
Feel free to post custom wp sizes u want me to create with this motive
I was getting inspired by a user post (comment) unfortunately i'm not able to find it for giving credit for the bull idea :/ - it is a female user and IIRC it was an intro post .. well .. idk :/ will add when i found it.
thanks for your time
i'm also planning to publish a wallpaper SIZES preset for sketch3.
This way other designers will be able to reuse it easily and on the fly.
Feel free to post wallpaper size suggestions :)
How about designing a Steemit signature banner? people could use as a signature.@cass,
great idea - next on my list :) - after i've finished some other infographics i'm currently working on.
Thanks for your input
Great! look forward see it.
2560x1440 right here. :)
I'm going to run this for a few days once 1440p is up.
That Steem bull looks rad in polygons.
Other popular resolutions -
1920x1080 - The most common resolution by far. Should be easy - just a crop on 1920x1200.
1440x2560 / 1080x1920 (for phones)
3000x2000 (This 1.5 aspect ratio is run by many Windows convertibles)
on the way :) your requested size - check this out - hope this works
STEEM EXPERIENCE - Bullish on steem - HD - 2560x1440
I think that changing steam that is going out of his nose to the steemit sign would be pretty cool haha :)
You can test it , if it looks good then try to apply it ;)
nice post ! @cass good job
vote done
you are master! :)
great work
masterpiece is extraordinary
Really amazing work! I wish I had such skills to build banners and wallpapers!
Additional Size
STEEM EXPERIENCE - Bullish on steem - HD - 1920x1080
hello. It wasn't this bull that inspired was it?
hey also nice - but no - it was earlier this week posted by a female user IIRC, anyway - upvoted :)
blog I am kinda new so any criticism or hints or tips to improving my blogging would be greatly appreciated.
Full $teem Ahead!
Thanks for that @cass Much Appreciated. Any Chance you get, if you could check out my @streetstyle
Hey Wow Guys, thanks. @boy @bue @bue-witness @mini @cass @healthcare @mammon @assistant Cheers and top of the morning to you!!
Hrmmmm.... This would make an awesome wait cursor or page loading icon. Have a cyclical progress bar around the icon, then have the steem/steam puff at checkpoints.
Hey @cass - as promised I am following your design work here. I am not sure if you're up for any critiques on this design but in the event you are open to it might I suggest adding a slight downward angle to the "steem" coming out of the bull's nose? I like the counterbalance of the horns and the steam, but as another user mentioned it almost looks like a bone going through the nose. I am loving your illustrations though!
Awesome work @cass ! Love the Japanese pattern in the background. Got Some stuff coming up too, stay tuned.
Hi very cool.
could you please post a Ultra HD (4K ) wallpaper too?
love the design!
Why do you choose bull ? It has some meaning ? I want to make a steem's wallpaper too... I think eagle is good to become steemit's icon :) It's because eagle eyes means your eyes keen to know your target (post) to get dollars haha
Upvote done..
i like this wallpaper @cass
Awesome work @cass! I am got something to show that I am a steem bull :)
Nice logo
Great idea, congratulations.
I like the bull / steam connotation.
Wow! Wonderful! bull for great to steemit!
Fantastic job!
Maybe you can find good use to the STEEM POWER and STEEM DOLLAR symbols I introduced recently. Would love to see your style merged with these.
Thank you very much Cass. I'm already loving it!
It was very impressive.
You have made some insanely cool pictures there. What are you going to use that for?
I liked the wallpaper Bullish on steam - HD - 1920x1200 is the right size in my opinion @cass
Hey cass,
it makes me happy to see the community working hard for the community.
You have my respect.
And you have my upvote so more people see your work.
MY Steemit Wallpapers
my bearish point of view on it
wow amazing
cool designers
Upvoted!really nice! you have awesome work here on steemit alreday!! check mine i just did a wallpaper:
Very Good, It would be great if it were shirts with this game you created, would honrroso the steemit.

Very nice!!
In theory you can just take the image, go to a printing shop and have it stamped on any shirt.
amazing @cass
Another great design.@cass,
wow amazing wallpaper you
My new desktop wallpaper. Thanks @cass :)
Those are some nice wall papers! Did you draw/design them yourself?
Steem Power
I'm a big fan of poly-art. This is good!
Well done! great design
Bull theme? Really suit STEEM!!
Looks great on my Mac..! Thankz
Awesome. Thank you!!!
BullShit :)
always :)
Looks like a 4K wallpaper great work
Haha I'm going to use this! Great wallpaper :)
Good work is rewarded. The system works.
Great wallpaper... Keep ur work...
Fantásticos fondos de pantalla.
Nos da permiso para utilizarlos???
Go ahead :)
Looks good. But why the bull? As you associate with a bull Steem? xD
Drawn beautifully. What do you call this style? (Maybe mosaic?)
I'll use it. Thank you.
posted by nineyards hits the nail IMO
guess if u'll think more about u can answer this question yourself, right ? :P
Oh. Yes, I understand. :) Just my bad English.
Thanks for the answer.
Well, cass, u are really a talented boy :)
Keep on posting great thing like that!
This very great, but see the wallpaper I see it like this:
Great wallpaper. I set it 1920 x1080 on desktop and 1920 x 1200 on laptop. Thanks a lot!
Dope design! Thanks for this! :)
Thanks so much for the wallpaper!!! I'm following you on Steemit now.
This look amazing and glad to see some recognition for design work finally, there are plenty of unappreciated quality posts going around.