7 Day Positivity Challenge

in #wallstplaya6 years ago


Most of us have a bad habit...

We focus more on what's wrong in our world versus what's right in our world...

We focus more on what we don't have versus what we do have...

It seems weird, but it's the truth. It's a bad habit...

I don't know about you, but I have been going through some challenges both personally and professionally...

I'am guilty of focusing on what's wrong and what I don't have versus what's right and what I do have...

This morning I was listening to a Youtube video with Anthony Robbins and he spoke about taking a 7 day challenge to see if he could go 7 days straight without thinking or saying anything negative. He said after completing it, it had changed his life...

A light went on in my head and I decided today I would take this challenge. Positive thinking for 7 days straight...

I felt it can't hurt, but help. I have been facing so many challenges and I feel at times I am in a dark space. Doing this challenge will help change my way of thinking and change my atmosphere...

I know because I am thinking this way, everything is not all of a sudden going to turn positive. I am aware I am still going to be faced with challenges, but now I am going to approach them differently. I am aware I will have some negative thoughts, but I have to quickly turn them from a negative into a positive...

I am not going to entertain negativity or even negative people...

I challenge you also, positive thinking for 7 days straight...

What say you?

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