Business/Earning money
Earning money relates to business. This area will use simpler language and terms to teach the basics of business and earning money.
After this, you may progress onto more advanced lessons and learning resources related to business.
Earning money is one of the core components of running a successful business.
The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco
The Law of Affection: If you want to earn milloi ns, you must affect millions.
You can impact fewer to earn millions if you have a larger impact on them.
The wealth trinity is family/relationships, health, and freedom. Money is a
method of obtaining freedom.
The Millionaire Upgrade by Richard Parkes Cordock
Persistence is probably the most important key to being a successful
entrepreneur. You must never give up.
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
You must pick a particular amount of moneyt hat you want to earn. You should be specific.
You must have a burning desire to earn a cetrain amount of money.
You must be relentlessly persistent while trying to reach your chosen goals
If one plan does not work, try anothe.r
Have definite desires as your goals.
Utilize autosuggestion to develop faith that you can achieve your goals.
The Science of Getting Rich
Think and Grow Rich
Social entrepreneurship
Think and Grow Rich - full text of the old book
Explain Like I'm 5 - Have a question about business and want it explained in a really basic way? Check this out!
Notes on books Contents
See also
External links
This page was last edited on 7 February 2017, at 03:41.
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