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RE: The South African Border War - Operation K or Koevoet the crowbar (Warning-not for the squeamish)

in #war7 years ago

at least blacks and whites were working together

working together to kill people but that was an enemy soldier from the looks of it, i wonder what was going through their heads to create this sccenario

war is not something you can just imagine, especially back then, these guys were just probably in survival mode, you have to understand what's going on, we should not judge before we experience this stuff first hand, sad but war is war, and we are lucky there is not war like this in africa as much anymore

I may be mistaken but there are no major armed conflicts in Africa that pitone nation against another right/ since the sudan and south sudan war has settled down, the biggest humanitarian crisis is the Uganda famine and Uganda having to take in massive amounts of refugees from sudan right? like 800,000 refugees, and i believe uganda has taken in more refugees than europe even by some estimates maybe not all of europe combined by more than any 1 european nation

we should all be grateful for the internet, without it there would be a much bigger mess in africa, without internet africa would have no chance but with internet africa can reform and people think i am some wishful tinker but internet is the key and it DOES help everything else, simply having access to more and more wifi in Africa and having cheap android smartphones for citizens to be able to buy, is something that changes EVERYTHING and I see it first hand... i see the steemit users in Africa making more money than any jobs they could have gotten locally and people scoff and laugh and i have no idea why peopel dont see how important steemit and bitcoin are but just steemit alone now is getting extremely important!

we need more campaigns to get smartphones in hands of more poor africans and free internet! internet and smartphones.laptiops are the great equalizer!

i can think of no better tool than a smartphone with a solar battery charger for $10 on ebay, or the nicer $40 ones on amazon, teh backpack solar chargers, to charge their android phones, And maybe we can get them 2 month oif prepaid internet so they can stay online, and i believ we cna change many lives that way!

Anyway thanks for the post! love your posts

u are areal leader in Africa Steemit!