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RE: The South African Border War - Operation Reindeer begins.

in #war7 years ago (edited)

Peeps need to understand that the SA border war was not about ant-terrorism it was more about a European fears of a united where Kadafi would introduce a gold African coin (which would ultimately and which did threaten the US dollar) a coin for the buying of oil. At that time Kadafi was considered a terrorist by the SADF. So some more internal information for readers...the SADF troops raped many villagers in Angola. When the SADF was known to be coming in, the village women would lie on the streets with their legs apart...if they did not, they would be raped with rifles. It was really a disgusting war driven and managed by racists.


Wow, that's some rough propaganda you read. There weren't even "streets" in the conflict zones where the SADF operated.

Dude I served 22months compulsory service in the I know the whats and whats about most of the crap that went down when it did. There's so much hushed up. To try bring in an argument about there being no 'streets' is as weak as you know it. I dont expect you to admit anything...I want other readers to understand the truth behind what was happening. No offence.

Which years?
