POV just some Radom Blaging

in #war4 months ago

Indian Should become the best country in defence and create more defence weapons than creating weapons for destruction and instead of going to war we should defend the war that comes to India, I am that's how India is now however that should be the motivation and a clear message. and we should make sure we create weapons that can dismantle and defuse any kind of weapon. and even better create weapons that do not kill but dismantle more human-friendly ways to stop harming humans and nature or civilisation. Not only India, but the whole world should also adopt such ways. If we want to do good or say we are good humans, the good has to do across every sector or box and when you think like that, only then is the greater good possible, and humans can be an example of being evolved civilised beings. We should not create any issues and yes there are a lot of ppl lost in modern warfare without even knowing the complete idea about how some of the countries fight in different levels from fantasy astral level to the below to quantum level war has been fought, from sports to content creation its like a war you win and prove whos the boss its best way to fight a war if its in sports, content and non-violent way, and somehow war does not make sense in which men die mostly without even realizing the full script of war, why it fought the game of war, is fully understood by some of the countries who have the power to destroy a country and the cold wars also maybe fail in some small level.
the surrounding countries should understand India has a better chance to protect and provide resources to run a country and run smoothly and thrive. No matter what we all belong to the same communities and stop being paranoid of our neighbours or think they are different species. the ones who think their neighbouring countries are their enemies or they are very different go and live in their country for a week or month then you may understand every human being is almost the same nothing to fear for or think they are different. yes, there will few groups and gangs that may create issues in small numbers but that does not mean the whole human population is like that it will be the same in every country where a few small groups will be fighting and creating issues because that's their work or that's all they have in their brains, they will be educated never had normal social life or being with normal societies few more reasons.
if we really want to create a better world we should stop creating differences between humans or countries it is ok to pray to whoever you want it is ok to eat what you like within human society norms and be more friendly and civilised is all that needed to create a better world, as far as your biology matches with any other species on earth or in the universe that mean we all are kind of same and need want same kind of things so we need to figure who like what who is comfortable with who what why according to their choice let them be in the societies, its no brainer when power is in the numbers that mean whole humans no matter of which country being one and doing the right for our earth and surrounding and your families and for yourselves that is all needed to be understood has human to create a better home, street, city state country or earths ecosystem. its out of my understanding why humans have war and why they capture other countries in 2024 also why the fck they cannot take care of their countries I am sure there is no incentives for a country to be larger than its population or any benefits except for the men and leader to show off they are better than others. whatever happened in history at least last 500 years Christians and Muslims have fcked up human history to much, and whatever happened in history it has helped or made it worse for humans. now humans have ba big purpose to build every country a better place where humans live better lives in more harmonious ways. there will always be different small groups of people with like-minded ppl like the same interests ppl enjoying the same music movies or religious ideas we cannot and should not stop them only because they have different tastes in things. if we stop such groups or ppl evolution will also stop or we won't have so much diversity in everything and its become more slow and boring maybe we may not evolve to the fullest of human potential also.
Most of the European countries are so fckedup its like they think they are very different from other humans on earth and in countries like china and Russia, Germany you all are almost in the major league but but don't have the class and you all overdo things in everything you do let it be movies, politics, VFX, storytelling, idea, and the way you want to control your public is also stupid and over dramatic lacks class and higher perspectives, not all at least 90%, it's not the signs for a good leader or country until ppl have full freedom to speak their mind and being a superpower if we need to be scared of some truth that also not a national secret normal public pity issues has a leader we cannot take care and punish them for saying the truth or maybe an idea which is against the regime or government it only says you leadership is insecure psychopaths paranoid who are incompetent and using your public as a slave. Every country has the right to keep its warfare secrets within itself but never ever force your public to live their lives freely and become live toy soldiers also in 2024 when the tech education and living styles are the same in every country every country's public enjoy every other country content food and humans and are more connected than before in human history and it's a clear indication future of humanity is going to become more global and more friendly so teams who are trying otherwise will fail in longterm so its better to get out of the way of public and humans who want to live a global life and be connected to each other and be happy and thrive with many other good emotions also. Don't say only happiness is not enough I am aware of that fact and I am even aware of all emotions and I am aware of how emotions work so few idiots who say only happiness is not enough as if I told only happens is enough. when i say happy it means when we look back at our life history we should remember that it was a happy experience and memorise which makes you feel good of being in place country, no one can be happy for 24hrs nonstop or any emotions that matter. if we fail to create a society like that it means has a country and leader we have failed so more than gdp, financial factors are not the key indications for a country's growth its how well-being and fulfilled life humans have for living in a country.
As a gamer who has fought online war games perspective, I will say how to make sure to win a war or make a country better and save millions od lives and even prevent wars, just a thought experiment according to if the war breaks it will be because of the super-powerful country who have a super weapons its obvious who all have it so lets all the Europe china german russian Indians all the European country should become one first simple because its one continent and have similarity in many ways then they realise. and every European country should leave their difference and form strong allies btw each other and have to cover all the aspects from tech to education, lifestyle every sector and making sure to create an ecosystem which is more toward earth ecosystems and make sure we create a system were nature will thrive among with humans and improve our defence system and make sure we don't go to war however we should be strong enough to withstand any weapon and retaliate with more human ways possible and be the superior being then the ones who attacked us and set an example for future humanity that we just defended but don't go to war and keep our history clean and true only we can cut of the butterfly effect of hate and some of the negative emotion and deeds ways and create a clean system and start thriving towards a clean future in all the aspects. hopefully, soon many resources will also follow towards the right causes.
other countries like France and Argentina all have the same kind of system and if you ask me Americans are also not so different from Europeans or Indians they were also but they have become a different breed that has white DNA more than their originals. for example, imagine Indian whites came and captured India and Indians lost and became a new country and 70% of the Indians killed or died leaving 20% white breeder with Indians or Italians or any other country for example I am saying India. so that 20% of whites breed and create a new breed and they are Americans' original DNA of maybe Mexicans or red Indians so the slave whites took from across the world and made America and its a beautiful kind of high breed. some of the best DNA of the human species ok so its like UK became Rossia after Russia took over Uk something like that America and modern Americans are so diversified that soon itl be the most diverse and best DNAs country it will because they have programs to attract some of the top brains from across all over the world. and the truth is they never got freedom from whites and became a new breed of whites they make sure they are very different yet like brothers in most of their tech ideas content all are in sync yet half of their ways are different one wants to act like gods and other want to be the devils in some of their ways. i have no issues with them I am just pointing out how i see it from my perspective which is completely subjective according to my knowledge of the country. so were they standing in this geopolitics aspect i guess Americans have the upper hand in many aspects and morally also they are much better the UK and they have created some good systems across and helped many also evolve in much better ways than UK did in past only based on available history I am saying my perspective nothing out of imagination, for right the power is kind of in the right place however there are lots of small fckupd and stupidity there just to gain some benefits or to showoff there power they act like psycho kids or its good they more mature when they connect themselves to the right servers they have potential to maintains and help others to improve and thrive and make the world better place? maybe if I become president of America, not me maybe Charliez Throne adopt me or Sofia will marry me il be the president's husband as the first man and if she becomes president il be her advisor and do some severe cleanup and I guess the way is to see America is way different then anyone in this world can so and I am kind of align in most of the aspects from mentally and spiritually and can connect to some good servers if when needed. And it is just fantasy if talks about nothing serious just blabbering some of the ideas and fantasy I guess.

Isreal, I am sure if it was not for Jesus no body might have cared, all these ppl are more concerned about the brand Jesus or made Isreal the same as any other country in that surroundings so as a non-isrealy many know Isreal because of the connection with Christall over the world, so it is better if they can maintain it and Jesus does not belong to just only for modern Christian so whoever he was he did lots of good so respect to that narration at least and try to save a place which has historical value and stop fighting for pity issues and try to adopt more human ways then uncivilized ways to solve the issues.
this kind of issue starts when we create rules and when we punish the one who does not follow and feel hate in that one person and that person spreads the same emotions towards one system, if we keep creating rules that have no real reasons/implications or do not make much of sense don't expect everyone to follow it and stop fighting or creating a difference with the ones who don't follow blindly be reasonable civilised then expect others to be civilised. its all leads to the same butterfly effects and ends up becoming war, except for population control and keeping one of the eco system nothing real use case of care. many need just of real purpose and options to live a better life and let them live their lives according to their ideas. and I am aware of some of the real gangs that can kill the public for no reason and those are also easily controlled by few good teams and I am sure the way technology is so much improved soon their wont be any criminals until unless if we make rules for basic needs of humans as a crime in some cases that is also issued with government some of the rules are kiddish or don't have any real sense it is there only to keep the ecosystem going once they remove or adjust accordingly and show the public they are adaptable and wants to do good then harm their own public and gain trust across all the classes public.
Ukraine and Putin feel like the longest senseless war with no real valid reason why they still cannot resolve the issue It is either fake or just for grabbing attention. Putin you have the some of best resources in Europe and fighting with your own kind does not make sense being a leader who has 100x the resources than Ukraine it's like Tyson and Jake fighting only for show and benefit, which is spoiling the name of the sport more than i helps somehow this joker might have created a sport which is between WWF and boxing, instead of making it a new different sport maybe call it celeboxing or whatever suits then calling it boxing or sports. anyways you both should end this shit show and come to some reasonable deal and show the world there is no need for different country need to solve our pity issues. however I don't know the full reason and the deals behind it, it all can be fake because I have not seen it in real so according to the info in have from that point of view it's a useless show. The brand Putin you should be in some bigger shows than the war show. create a new city without capturing others and make it the best example for the future of your country where your public is thriving mentally and physically.
i have just said 1% of what has to be said and every topic needs lots of work and advice and perspective can also be subjective, sometime what i may advise my kids i have not advised other kids to do the same. I am aware nothing is as easy as typing, in real-time actions are tough and sometimes not possible, however one different perspective among a 8billion perspectives is better and the one with resource tools can utilise that one perspective to change the life of many for good.