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RE: New Revelations About Pulse Nightclub Shooting Highlight Everything Sick About America

in #war7 years ago (edited)

This is a good read. The problem is the American economy heavily relies on the defense industry. Since the Sept. 11 events, the defense industry has:

  1. become globalized more so than ever
  2. exploits any opportunity to grow as a business

In free market environments this is a recipe for a contagion where the defense industry controls the narrative more so than the sovereign defense departments and political leaders.

I mention this in a prior post to a Venazuelan who was taking aim and American military politics. At approximately the same time Russian mercenaries were attacking an American base in Syria. I did not know about this attack at the time. I think it highlights well, how the global defense industry has gone of on their own narratives for action and they are not alone. Just one more example.

The defense industry and politicians uses LGBT to justify their position as global thought leaders leading to guys like George Clooney going to Middle Eastern governments to press for human rights status of a sexual orientation ideology that no one has been proven to be born with except within the bubble of the western media.

The Taliban was in control for legitimately easing tribal tensions by being strict adherents to Sharia Law. While Sharia Laws is a very foreign concept in the western world, it provided a trustless framework that at least 60% of Afghans could trust since they could not always trust each other. They also quelled questionable sexual behavior that is thought to have grown out in the Afghani population with the lack of women and on-going war with the Soviet Union.

Mix that with an ethnic Afghan who: feels strongly about supporting hardline ideologies (who did their best to keep outside influences out of their public discourse to reduce internal conflicts) and innocent lives in the middle east and you get what happened at Pulse with or without the homophobia motives.

In regards to the American mindset on LGBT and morality, misconceptions about LGBT should have cleared up publicly by Obama if not Bush when the 'Gay Gene' media narrative was in full force. Instead every administration and media player has played the hush hush dance with LGBTQ movement for popularity.

Who is it not popular with? Mostly disenfranchised young men who are still trying to find meaning in the world within the framework defend your honor above and beyond the others to defend individual "sovereign" rights. Sure you can walk it off, but if the general populous thinks people are born this way, and get to decide for you based on socio-economic status -- well that is not something anyone can walk off. Someone should tell the school kids, so Americans can keep the guns and the human value of religion. Yet in hind-sight a little strange that the Taliban of all groups was able to disarm Afghanistan for the public benefit enough that riding a bicycle across the nation is now just a dream of days gone by for many.

When LGBTQ media narratives could be cleared up (for the public good ) with grade-school level science, the republicans just rely on faith to lift up "true-believers" and the dems continue to rally the rank-and-file of liberal elitism.

Meanwhile people around the globe are going crazy because:

  1. they were being told to believe in the hard-wired sexual orientation theory when sexual orientation based on external forces have not be proven scientifically if at all (which drives people mad AKA insane)
  2. Born-this-way has very slowly transitioned into right to choose (which is fine except for the prior born-this-way ethical mandates making wrong still right.
  3. "Terrorists" are generally fending for their traditional cultural values (most of which we call normal ) against regimes who support the global defense industry to protect resources and the people who serve them.

"Hush hush, say no more" has been the treatment to the state sanctioned military members who were integral to the initial war efforts and made an issue of the same sex rape that goes on in other parts of the world because that generally leads to why the theological / tribal regimes where in power in the first place.

Might makes right seems awkward in light of all of this and probably damnable to many.

If Americans choose to lead by the emotional reasoning of morality and business while forcing everyone under these conflations of convienance, kiss the idea of rational citizens foreign and domestic good-bye and into the history books.

This is the perfect storm that most talking heads dare not talk about in or with the public.

Kudos to the intercept for dealing with the real in depth issues on this.

The "Peoples History" chapter on America's 9/11 Years is finally getting an unbiased treatment of the troubles in the world.