If voting changed anything they'd make it illegal. But why doesn't it change anything? After all, it's the elected politicians who steer the ship of state, isn't it? Isn't it? Join James for today's edition of #PropagandaWatch where he explores the hidden history of WWI and exposes the lie that your vote counts.
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Voting will never change anything as there are no real alternative parties to vote for.
The only real choices we have are the puppets on all sides to who will do anything to fulfill the agenda's of the central banksters, eurocrats and major corporations.

I have never voted in my life as I could never trust a Po-LIE-tician!
LOVE your logo 👏 👍 😆
So do I, @surveyor1!
Only because it is true.
No @michaelburns, I have not been fortunate enough yet to experience that. Have you?
But I would love to see that happen!
Feel free to check out this video of a town of Mexico named Cherán. They literally threw out government and authorities which has reduced it's crime and corruption levels to almost none at all.
Would you say that
and many others have been there for the people?
I certainly would not!

Voting changes one set of pirates for another. Casting a vote won't make you a billionaire (if that's what you want of exercising this particular right) and you could argue it's possibly better off considering it to be a damage-limitation exercise. But what's the alternative? The stone age??? Lovely.
Do cliches and naval-gazing change anything? Maybe they would be illegal, also, if they did?
They are already making legal voting illegal via voter suppression! The REpublican politicians are having a hissy fit right now in Georgia and FLorida because they don't want all of the votes counted! THey also put in place ridiculous restrictions on when and where to vote because this keeps minorities and the youth vote from going to the polls in large numbers. They want to keep things in their greedy hands and keep the downtrodden down.
Perhaps BLOCKCHAIN can revitalize our voting system. ALl votes would be recorded without anyone being able to meddle.
sure, let's go back to paper ballots.
"the right" is not like the right of yore. I know many republicans who are disgusted with the current state of things.
You want to have a discussion or not? You come in with veiled (not so veiled?) personal attacks ("the adults in the room" are you implying I'm not? Or Corbett is not? "The memes in my head"? Please. ) But I'll let it pass as you are new here? We play nice here.
Anyway, you want to think that people who are anti trump all have "TAD"? And that he's our last chance at democracy? Trump is out for himself, just doing a cursory search about his his adult biz life will do. I've been in NY for almost 4 decades a and know of many first hand disastrous biz experiences with him- he is a pariah in NY. He now making a mockery of our country and government - he has never cared a whit about another human being but himself. Knowing this Doesn't make me a socialist.
"My vote will not change anything" - said 20 000 000 ppl. doh
you don't get to decide what 20 000 000 people do... and they have no right to tell you what to do
When the governing apparatus has been designed to resist popular participation, what legitimate recourse does the oppressed have? Tolerate the burden? Ignore the violations? Participate in the charade?
The public would benefit from classical Greek thinking on this subject. This issue is as old as civilization itslef.
Any thoughts on what can be done at the individual level?
Will have to watch the documentary. I have read a little about the real cause / plan of WW1 but will be good to see it all in one place. So much easier to just watch something. Nice work 💯🐒
it's all a racket
isn't it just
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Thank you 🙏 for the info 👏 👍 I love that WW1 vid , and look forward to more 🎥🍿 .