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RE: The South African Border War - The start of Operation Savannah and Large scale South African involvement.

in #war8 years ago

As long as there's something in it for them. There's been too many massacres that it watched happen because there wasn't enough in it for "u.s" to get involved. Its amazing how convenient the phrase "we can't fight everyone's battles for them" is thrown around but when a battle with massive strategic interest for "u.s" pops up, the U.S is all over it like white on rice... And there's usually Russian's own team with their own unique uniforms and talented war criminals on the field of war -- ready to face off against the U.S... While the citizens of country "X' serve as pawns in the whole match, being slaughtered (Syria)... It's really disgusting.... Thanks for sharing this @gavvet


Self interest in all of this is very self evident... its the reason most fights, even in the animal kingdom, occur.