Yes, this meme is showing you that at both the Federal and State, the term "Ultimate User" are the same. Also, the state actually is bound by the Federal code. Every state in the union will say something to the effect of "As controlled by the Federal CSA"...
The point is, if you are an "Ultimate User" than you can lawfully use and possess any controlled substance at both the Federal and State levels.
as long as you lawfully obtained it first.
Yes, it is very important to note the use of the word "lawfully" as opposed to "Legally"..
In other words if it is not obtained by force or fraud.
Legal - Form and Appearance of law - no substance
Lawful - Actual Law - Has Substance
and how do you imagine lawfully obtaining a substance that is illegal to purchase or cultivate?
I would imagine that law is so that people like researchers and cops can have illegal drugs in their possession. It is pretty clear that it is not a general loophole that anyone can use.
It is very clear these so-called "laws" are for those engaged in commerce only. These "laws" were never intended to be used against users.
Look, it really simple, Congress only has two basic powers delegated to them in Article 1 Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution, to regulate commerce and to regulate the employed militia. Everything in Article 1 Section relates to these two things.
So, its really simple to figure out that this act of Congress is either related to commerce or the militia.
The "Ultimate User" term makes it abundantly clear if the substance is for your own use than it is a lawful activity.