Syria Just Shot Down An Israeli F16 Fighter Jet!!! Anyone Have Thoughts On How This Will Go? WW2 Or Cold War By Proxy 4-Eva?

in #war7 years ago

Things are escalating quickly A few hours ago an Airstrike That American Forces Or Allied Forces have claimed responsibility for resulted in the death of a Russian Soldier. Publics around the world were unsure how things would proceed but as of minutes ago Syria Forces have just Shot Down down an Israeli Owned and Operated F-16 Fighter Jet... Will Israel not take steps to further escalate the conflict occurring between Israeli, American, And Russian Syrian Forces?
United Nations despite taking no immediate action ordered a 30-day ceasefire to deliver aid to the heavily hit region and pull out injured persons. And during previous similar situations with Russia in recent history, Russia has warned that they would begin targeting us jets if they had to. Immediately after this stark warning, Australia has pulled its planes out of air missions. Are we again on the brink of war?