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RE: We Are One False Flag Event Away From World War 3

in #war7 years ago

My motto in life is:

"Lead thy life
in such a way
that thy sole
be an act of

So I don't even partake of the geopolitical farce any longer.
It's hard for me to determine whether it'd be preferable for the Sun to scorch our entire planet, or for Gaia to upgrade her bacteriosphere to anti-human-mode.

Granted, I'd prefer a #Singularity event, but I doubt the capacity for nearly 8 billion ignoramuses to acclimatize to such an existence.

Is a "clean up"-event required for humanity to pull itself out of the proverbial gutter?
Must we stand on the precipice of death before so inclined to change ourselves?

I spewed some gall in one of my earlier posts...
Humanity; only possible without humans?
Have a read, @caitlinjohnstone , and please give me your thoughts! 🙏

1ove 💞