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RE: The Fig Leaf (Iraq War)

in #war7 years ago

War is a forceful way of claiming the right, getting freedom and taken possessions. As someone is looking at the benefits they are going to see when they start the war, we should be considered the damages it will cause too.I am very happy to know that you against the war @adamkokesh.

About halfway through my tour, I realized the futility of what we were doing in civil affairs and was forced to fall back on the old standard rationalization, “At least we’re keeping the fight off of American soil.” I was able to realize the fallacy of that soon after returning home. For every insurgent we kill today, there are two to kill tomorrow because we piss off so many people in the process.

Considered those damages, life, properties, I think someone would have a second thought about war.

Thanks for sharing @adamkokesh