WW3 is a War of Psyops

in #war6 years ago

This blog article was first published on my main website over a year ago, but its still true, still relevant today; probably more so.

Some have said that WW3 is an Information war. I think that’s part of the story. Its a war on consciousness, souls and minds. On the physical, it is giving you a view of the spiritual war that is very ancient, and still ongoing. In many sacred texts of various religious traditions, spiritual wars are mentioned, and nowhere does it say that the wars ended. In the last 50 years or so, the dimensions of the spiritual wars, ‘in heaven’ or in space, have been spilling over into our reality, or bleeding through into our visible dimension. People who pay attention, have noticed this. (You can read a bit more about this in my previous blog: Watch the Sun, not TV.)

The worst part of the war humanity has to deal with is the war its gov behind the official gov, the shadow elite, is waging against humanity. Its a war that involves very sophisticated, planned out for decades ahead of time, massively funded, tested and analyzed Psychological Operations, or Psyops, for short.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_warfare https://infogalactic.com/info/Psychological_warfare

The Psyops include but are not limited to:
Main Stream Media
Dumbing down of education
Weather Wars, such as the use of chemtrails, HAARP
Monsanto and GMO foods
Corruption of the family unit
Psychotronic Weaponry, including EMF, scalar technology, Voice of God/or voice to skull tech
Entertainment, such as film and television, and sports
The food industry
Milab and Pedogate and the weaponization of children
Weaponization of DNA and genetics
Weaponization of AI or Artificial Intelligence
Weaponization of nature such as weaponization of insects, germs, bacteria, parasites
War on drugs
Fake alien abductions
Secret Space Programs
and many more
The cabal has co-opted nearly every industry, corporation, area of life, and weaponized them against humanity. In this article I will only talk about some select Psyops.

There are so many Psyops now, that its hard to find anything that isn’t a Psyop at this point. If something starts off as a genuine grass roots movement, then the cabal usurps it as quickly as possible, kills or consumes the sacred in it, and turns it into a program that plugs right into the matrix, to serve a dark agenda.

How US Flooded the World with Psyops

The Anunnaki, have a lot of control over human evolution, and certainly have a lot to do with the design of these Psyops. According to historical records, the Anunnaki are an advanced race of ET (Extra Terrestrial) space travelers and builders, who had manipulated ancient human beings, for various purposes, and still exert control over human affairs on Earth, through the elite groups, or the cabal.

The Anunnaki control all sides of all conflicts on the planet. They control all sides of the political debate and manipulate all parties, social movements, corporations, religions, industries, philosophical movements, scientific innovations, cultures and even ‘grass-roots’ movements. They do as much good as they do bad, and in this way they maintain the duality of things, which is the foundation of the design and order of things in this universe.

http://www.truthbeknown.com/anunnaki.htm http://www.annunaki.org http://in5d.com/pentagon-secret-the-anunnaki-are-returning/

This is why the checkered board, of black and white, (examples below) is used by the cabal often as a symbol to indicate they are playing both sides of the game. They want to assure, that no matter what side you are on, or group you affiliate with, you are still part of the matrix, and you are a figure on their chess board. You are a prop in their play, acting out a role that benefits them.

What is the solution? You have to find the the middle path, the golden mean. Look at all the information, on all sides of debates, the pros and cons of each issue, do research, educate yourself, and weigh everything on the scales of your heart. The heart by its nature is attuned to beauty and truth. But you must develop your heart, heal your heart, and learn to see and experience everything through the heart, rather then through the duality of the mind. Learn to be loving and compassionate. Also its very important to cleanse and balance all of your chakras, to have a healthy, open, unblocked heart chakra, as well as all of the other chakras, because they are all connected. You have to be able to feel all of your feelings, positive and negative, to have access to the breadth and depth of the intelligence of the heart, to be able to rely on it to guide you in life.

This is worth an in depth discussion. The heart is key to freedom. Love is the ultimate red pill, that frees you from the maya, or illusion, of the matrix. Falling in love opens your psychic channels, and is a catalyst for consciousness expansion and soul growth. Typically, when women are pregnant, their psychic abilities open up in a huge way. Its because they are falling in love with the baby, learning to love unconditionally, and care for someone else above themselves. Romantic love can be just as powerful at catalyzing deep personal transformation, and the opening of psychic channels.

There is no substitute for true love. It is the door to getting out of the matrix. However, it doesn’t mean that ‘all you need is love’, because once you are out of the matrix, there is still a whole lot more evolving to do, which involves growing your heart space and becoming enlightened, through deep inner and outer work.

The problem is that everyone on the planet lives with uncountable amounts of trauma, layers and layers of wounding and heart break; places in their hearts and in their histories, they’d rather forget and never visit, for the horror and pain of what’s there. The wounds run very deep, accumulated over many past lives, and current life, individually, tribally, and collectively. Some wounds were acquired at a time when human beings were more evolved. So some wounds are more complex and bigger than the person’s current psychological and psychic awareness can allow them to even comprehend. Sometimes a person needs to reach a certain level of evolvement, for the wound to come to surface to be healed. Healing by its nature has to happen consciously and mindfully. If you can’t become aware of the wound, or you cannot feel it, no healing is possible. It will stay locked away in the unconsciousness, until you are ready.

Many people go through life avoiding feeling their woundedness, or only skimming the surface of that ocean of suffering; once in a few years they may heal a wound, and it may feel epic. Those on the healing path, those who have a personal discipline of spiritual evolvement, are constantly practicing healing. Its also called the fast track.

But the majority of the people, simply live with their wounds. They are on the slow track. Their lives become a maze of walls, to keep love out, to keep people out, to keep pain our, everything out. In that maze, they can’t find their true selves anymore. People become afraid to relate, truly; afraid to look into each other’s eyes, to relate authentically how they feel, and what’s happening inside them. Because relating will hurt, it will bring up the wounds, along with all of their suppressed feelings, memories, and things that scare them. But the reality is that all those feelings are in fact ready to jump out at any moment, if given the chance. People who live in their wounds are living in their shadows. Those who simply have not done sufficient amount of inner work on themselves, find that when they do try to relate, it often creates dramas, fighting, or can trigger a person into a condition, like depression, mania, suicided behavior, addictions, stone walling, acting out patterns they themselves don’t understand the source of. This condition is called ‘exploding shadow’ and it happens when a critical mass of suppressed feelings and wounds is reached, and a person must start to heal, in order to go on with their life. So the wounds are spilling onto the surface consciousness to get the person’s attention to be healed. Some need that type of crisis to start to take care of themselves.

Unfortunately, not everyone heeds the call of spiritual growth. Some still need more time to realize why they are here.

What some people do is say, f**k it, and just express all their wounding, and continue to live unconsciously by choice, where they don’t care whom they harm, others and self, and they don’t attempt to take responsibility for either their thoughts, feelings or actions. They simply act out whatever they’ve got inside, and damn the consequences.

Or alternatively, people isolate themselves, cease to connect with others at all, rather then go through all that suffering.

Why does this happen? Because people don’t know how to heal themselves. People must learn how to heal their traumas themselves. They must be proactive about it. They must learn the healing techniques available. Standard mainstream psychotherapy is not enough. It tends to be rather superficial and stays at the level of mind and behavior. If the therapist is very good, there might be some benefit from it. But the real healing techniques that transform the soul, are part of the spiritual and holistic healing paradigm. And not everything in that arena is really good for you. So you have to be careful what and who you work with. But there are many great, truly beneficial alternative medicine techniques, spiritual healing modalities, energy healing modalities, etc. The healing services I offer are Shamanic Energy Healing, Soul Retrieval, Spiritual Cleansing and Clearing, Past Life Regression Therapy, Sacred Contract Re-scripting and others. These modalities are designed to heal traumas at their spiritual and soul root.

How does the wounding, healing and love relate to Psyops? Very simply the system itself, the matrix, is profoundly wounding for human beings, at all levels. It stifles creativity, fractures souls, poisons intelligence and kills dreams. It is against Spirit. It then vampirize human energy, aka louche, through the myriads of wounds, that it creates and sustains. For as long as a person remains wounded, they are susceptible to being manipulated and controlled by the system and its agents. The more healed, whole, conscious, loving and compassionate, a person becomes, the more independent of the system they become. And not only that, but they are also able to consciously change the system, and make it beneficial to humanity again.

This is a very spiritual message from the Anonymous. One of the most spiritual messages from them that I’ve seen yet.
Anonymous - The Illusion of Reality, Illusion of the Self

Psyops follow certain patterns. The Psyop is always there to obscure, deny, or hide in plain sight, the real issues. If you analyze these patterns, you will start to notice them everywhere around you, and seeing through them, seeing the real issues underneath, and then hopefully not become pawns of them, but instead be able to be independent critical thinkers about the real issues involved.

  1. The most common pattern is based on the Hegelian Dialectic, out of which came the Problem Reaction Solution (a term coined by David Icke.)

This website has the following definition:
Hegelian dialectic, usually presented in a threefold manner … as comprising three dialectical stages of development: a thesis, giving rise to its reaction, an antithesis, which contradicts or negates the thesis, and the tension between the two being resolved by means of a synthesis. In more simplistic terms, one can consider it thus; problem->reaction->solution.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dialectic

The cabal divides the whole into parts and pits them against each other. Women against men, children against parents, one political party against another, one religion against another, one ideologically focused group against another. This is even applies to different sub parts within a person, which are manipulated to be at war within a person.

Then the cabal gives both sides some truths and some lies. Tells each side something like that that they’ve got the complete truth, one and only true way. This will assure indefinite fighting, with no resolution. If different groups come too close to finding out the truth, by thinking too much and realizing they’ve been lied to, the cabal instigates conflict, and manipulates them back into senseless fighting. The idea is to keep things as mindless as possible, so noone is thinking and everyone is fighting.

This is the hallmark of how the Anunnaki rule. Its a large incestuous family, which is very ancient. They live long lives, and the ruling elite in their own society do not easily give up power to their children. They pit their children against one another, so while they fight, they do not try to usurp power form their parents. Or they send them on impossible quests, to find something that doesn’t exist, so their kids are out there searching endlessly, and the parents are left to rule in peace. The hermetic adage, as above so below, applies to us, because those dynamics ‘among the gods in heaven/ or space’ reflect here on Earth, in the human society.

  1. Another pattern is the game of musical chairs. Make one person the outcast or the scapegoat and make everyone ostracize that person or group. This unites the other members of the group, with a false loyalty, makes them feel superior to the ostracized person. While the ostracized person becomes a target for everyone to project their shadows on. Because people have a natural need to release their shadow qualities, in one form or another, many will gladly take the opportunity to unconsciously project.

  2. A third patterns is when the cabal takes something thats good for everyone and make it bad for everyone. For example, take something that’s natural, like water, and poison it completely, so it becomes a source of disease for everyone.

  3. A fourth pattern is in the vein of the Orwelian newspeak. Call things other then what they are, and make things disappear, by never naming them. Or create fictitious entities, with a lot of linguistic definition and by doing so convince people that the illusion you’ve just conjured up is a reality. Or make people believe that white is black and black is white, by continually repeating that information over and over, starting as early as possible.

From Cybernetics to Littleton: Techniques of Mind Control

Whenever you have two polarized opposites, each side will project its shadow on the other side, in this way, after a while, both sides start to look kind of the same, and each will be accusing the other of doing what it itself is doing. Result is mutually assured destruction, as no one wins when everyone is projecting and no one is introspecting.
Case in point:

Here are some brief outlines of some Psyops that are hot issues for humanity at this time.

Milab and Pedogate

Military Abduction, Milab for short, and Pedogate are two Psyops that are closely linked. In the news, Human trafficking is a more accepted term for Pedogate. These Psyops are also connected to international drug trafficking, satanic cults/illuminati cults, and dark ETs. All of these Psyops are so closely linked that where you find one, you will always find the others. These are central pieces/ cogs in the machine that controls everything and everyone on the planet. If you don’t know what Milab and Pedogate are, you MUST find out. The only way you will truly understand what is going on on the planet, and how and why, is if you understand these central themes of the drama.

Human Trafficking and Pedogate related

http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/1208-endgame-pt-1#comment-139697 https://discerningthemystery2000plus.blogspot.com/2017/02/pedogate-high-profile-pedophiles.html http://galacticconnection.com/pizzagate-turned-pedogate-leads-to-momentum-surge-in-busting-global-child-sex-trafficking-rings/ http://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/06/23/pedogate-child-trafficking-and-mk-ultra/

Largest Pedophile Ring in History, 70,000 Members, Heads of State, the Rats Scramble - VT and Keshe Take the Lead in Breaking the Most Insidious Human Trafficking Gang on the Planet

Mobb Deep Rapper Prodigy Tried to Expose Elite Pedophile Ring Before he Died

Trump forces the Vatican to change and they could try to kill him

If you research on the internet, you will find 100s more articles, youtube videos and social media accounts devoted to exposing pedogate. (I suggest you use https://www.startpage.com or https://duckduckgo.com instead of google. These search engines have more respect for your privacy and security.)

Milab is a much bigger Psyop and Pedogate/Child trafficking is just one part of it. Milab is a less understood and talked about subject, and has not yet been blown open like Pedogate/Child trafficking has, probably because it scares a lot of people more than Pedogate/Child trafficking, and people have not yet wrapped their minds around how to process this very unusual and paranormal information in the collective psyches. I am certain that when disclosure reaches a level, where the simple fact that ETs have been here all along and have had a big role in shaping all of human endeavors, and that governments on Earth have made deals with them, often to the detriment of human population, will become common knowledge, everything will change.

Here are some resources that will give you insightful information about Milab:

James Rink has done a lot of interviews with Milab survivors, also called Supersoldiers. A collection of these interviews can be found here:

Max Spiers was a Milab and Pedogate survivor and Supersoldier. He was assassinated because he was investigating and exposing Satanic cults and Pedogate in the military.




Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot, has done a great job interviewing many whistleblowers and leakers form secret projects, including Milabs and Supersoldiers.

Douglas Dietrich,Illuminati, Super Soldiers, Sacrifice's, Satanism, Ritual Abuse, Global Grid, Satanic Supersoldiers, Secret Space Program, Pedophilia in the government and Satanic cults

War on intelligence

The war on human intelligence is carried out primarily through the dumbing down of education. By creating a culture where being smart is not cool, and by creating peer pressure so kids in school bully kids who are smart or exhibit talent, drive, and unique abilities. The cabal routinely stifles creativity and independent thought at all levels of education.

Another front of this war is the entertainment industry, which quite literally is attempting to entertain humanity to death. CIA and the Military Industrial Complex are heavily involved in shaping themes, imagery, and ideologies fed to the masses via film and television. Entertainment is entrainment, to particular agendas they want to implant into human unconscious minds.

http://thefreethoughtproject.com/foia-docs-war-cia-controls/ http://inmedia.revues.org/558 http://www.salon.com/2013/02/28/is_hollywood_secretly_in_bed_with_the_cia_partner/

At the same time the cabal wants to be the only ones who have access to high level of intelligence, and decision making power. They believe that to develop talents, genius, and high level intelligence, including psychic abilities, you must traumatize children. The trauma either breaks the person completely, makes them schizophrenic, and incapable or barely capable of functioning in the real world. Or it propels them into massive expansion of consciousness and development of their inner talents and gifts. They are just fine with taking that risk, because they stop at nothing to achieve their goals.
Either way, persons who have gone through illuminati type of brainwashing (such as MK Ultra) live with enormous amounts of wounding, pain, suffering and dysfunction at some level, even if they become very talented.

http://whale.to/b/sp/f1.html http://educate-yourself.org/mc/illumformula10chap.shtml http://www.collective-evolution.com/2013/08/21/roseanne-barr-mk-ultra-rules-in-hollywood/

Pro Abortion vs Pro Choice / Pro life

This is an issue that is so cocooned in a spider’s web of various agendas and Psyops, that its hard to find just a few to discuss.

But the key point I want to make is that the cabal control both sides of every debate and every issue. A lot of the pro abortion groups are either infiltrated by satanists or affiliated with such. They want more abortions because that’s a source of revenue, its a cheap source of genetic material, which they can sell on the black markets, or use for rituals. Also, they perceive abortions as sacrifices to the dark side, in themselves. This is their world view, and their intent. Which doesn’t mean its true, for all people everywhere.

The pro life groups are usually very conservative or Bible based religious people. But all churches by now have ties to the Vatican. Even small churches get infiltrated by the Vatican agents and manipulated. The Vatican is a house of horrors, a network of satanic cults, absolutely one of the most vile and disgusting places on the planet, filled with pedophilia, human sacrifice, specifically child torture and sacrifice, drugs, corruption, draco ETs, and other forms of evil most people cannot imagine and have never heard of.

The modern main stream Bible has some truths and some distortions, omissions, and fictions written in for the purpose of control. The Gnostic Christians, in my estimation, were closer to the truth about the nature of the God of the Old Testament. They believed he was a Draco being, a Demi-god, who had gone insane due to possession by dark forces/parasites, and became a control freak. One minute he says ‘I love you,’ and the next he says ‘Smite those people for me.’ Religion is an ancient Psyop, and the Bible being an ancient tool of mind control.

So no matter what two opposing groups you get involved with, no matter what side you are on, you are still part of the Hegelian dialectic, the matrix, because all groups are manipulated by the cabal. You may find that you go into these groups, with some sincere ideas about how to make the world a better place, but soon enough your ideas will get drowned out by the over arching agendas of the group, and you will be expected to submit your efforts to those agendas.

With that said, there are some sincere people on both sides of the debate, that just want to do the right thing. The root of the issue, isn’t with regular people though, but with who control the organizations, who fund them, and to what end.

With both sides being controlled by master manipulators who have no intention of ever reconciling the differences and instead want people to be in perpetual warfare and fighting, because that’s what creates louche for them, which is the energy of conflict, pain and suffering. In a very real sense, not just metaphorically, the dark forces feed on this energy. They need it to survive, like we need food and water and air. Also, while people’s attention and energies are occupied with the drama and the conflict, the cabal carries out its agendas, secretly in the background. In an ironic sense, with so much drama and fighting around the issue of abortions, it only increases abortions, trauma around abortions, and in my view has not contributed to the enlightenment of humanity as a whole.

As I always do, I turn to the ancient wisdom of the Indigenous and aboriginal peoples, and of the Native Americans regarding this issue. They had to survive on the land, in the elements, for 1000s of years. They were one with Mother Earth, were much more attuned with the Spirit of nature, and had an inherent respect for all of life. Native peoples had a strong supportive network of extended family. The family was the backbone of the society, and children were highly valued. So for most women, there was no reason for abortion. Yet there was no stigma attached to unwanted pregnancies or parenthood.

Also, native women had more awareness and control over their ovulation cycles. And practiced natural and herbal forms of birth control and abortion. There were times of lack of resources for everyone in the tribe, due to various conditions, and for the greater good of the entire tribe, some women elected to have abortions. These were not issues of feminism, women’s rights, or any sort of political debate. Nor was abortion used as a substitute for birth control, the way some young women now use abortion, having sometimes 10-20 abortions, due to ignorance and irresponsibility of promiscuity. For the indigenous population, it was a simple issue of survival for the entire tribe, when resources were scarce, or due to other stresses on the population. The tribe would decide altogether, the course of their future. If it was clear that the tribe could not sustain any new life, then people would not bring new life into the world, until circumstances improved. This was a conscious way to control population growth, so the whole tribe could thrive. There was no stigma around it, because the entire tribe collectively agreed that this was for the highest good of all involved.

Indigenous cultures had a deep connection with the Earth and with Spirit, which they call the Great Spirit. They were attuned with the seasons, with the stars, the animals, weather, forces of nature, and their inner spiritual natures. When they practiced birth control and abortions, these were not sacrifices to satan, like they sometimes are in the modern world. They were not dark occult rituals. They were not done out of ignorance or hatred for life, or out of confusion and lack of direction. They were done with the intent to stay balanced with the cycles of nature, and considerations about what is for the highest good of all for the next 7 generations. I think there is wisdom in that, and I think therein lies a way that is very close to the middle way, between the polarized views in the modern world.

Due to the religious guilt and shame around everything to do with sexuality, which many in the western culture carry unconsciously, even if they don’t see themselves as religious, there is a stigma around abortion, that is placed on women who have had abortions. Women place this stigma onto themselves, as well. The belief that women then hold is that they committed murder, and that they don’t deserve to live. This belief is very toxic and destructive, and it can literally lead to madness. It is not healthy for women to carry this stigma and belief in their bodies, souls and cells. It does not improve anything. It can instead create psycho somatic illnesses and disease. It is rather a form of self flagellation and self punishment. It is something that needs healing very badly in the psyches of modern women, individually and collectively.

Abortion Provider Speaks - Carol Everett, former abortion provider and clinic operator, speaks about abortion in the film Blood Money.

News Alert - Abortion clinics - Human Sacrifices - Satanic Rituals

Satanic Temple Launching Pro-Abortion Crusade With Protests to Defend Planned Parenthood

Sex Ed

Many have criticized sex ed in the US, saying it has increased interest in and sexual activity among the youth, with all the consequences of such activity, including unwanted pregnancies, abortions and STDs. Its not that young people don’t need sex ed, its that the way its handled is clearly a Psyop.

Carol Everett, former abortion provider and clinic operator, outlined the entire premise of the psyop, very eloquently in her confessions. The idea is to get girls/ young women on birth control, which makes their period more regular, which makes them feel that they can have more sex, since they feel safe and protected by the pill. So getting on birth control actually encourages them to be more sexually active. However, it is very difficult for the young women to take the pill at the same time every day. They forget and inevitably get pregnant. Then the Clinic convinces the girl to get an abortion. Which is a source of revenue, and genetic material for the clinic.

Abortion Provider Speaks - Carol Everett, former abortion provider and clinic operator, speaks about abortion in the film Blood Money.

The Failure of Sex Education

2 genders vs 32 genders

In the political scene, this is currently a big debate. Conservatives say there are only 2 genders. Liberals say there are 32 or more genders.

Conservatives are pro Americana and Western values. Liberals are pro integration of many peoples into one, and anti establishment.
The idea is not to get locked into the pattern of feeling like you have to choose sides on these issues. In my view the very premise of the issue holds a false premise at its root. The reason its false is because its following the Hegelian Dialectic pattern. I see a world where nations exist just fine on the same planet, when the cabal is not instigating war between nations and parties constantly. Get rid of the cabal and you get rid of the problem. Without the cabal, there would be peace on Earth.

The Western civilization has had a lot of great achievements. But it has also committed horrible atrocities to the indigenous populations, to the environment, with pollution and the destruction of the Amazonian rain forrest, for example. The native and aboriginal peoples lived in harmony with Planet Earth. The Western Civilization does not. I think there is something valuable to be gained from the wisdom of the Indigenous cultures.

Native Americans recognized 5 genders.

Before European Christians Forced Gender Roles, Native Americans Acknowledged 5 Genders

Many ET races have multiple genders, not just two. And we carry some DNA from these star races. These are facts of life, not liberal perversion.

But on the other hand, there really are extreme perversions that the liberals engage in. There are those who engage in sexual acts with children, animals, rocks and trees. Those engaging in sexual acts with nature, literally shoving dirt into their vaginas, are now recognized as a separate gender called ecosexuals. Calling every fetish or sexual interest a separate gender in my view is cognitive failure.

The normalization of pedophilia is absolutely disgusting. This is not a gender and not ok under any circumstances. This is an agenda from the satanists. It must resisted, stopped and the perpetrators jailed.

There may be more than 2 genders, if we define a gender not just by its physical attributes but also by its psycho-spiritual-sexual attributes, or simply the quality of a person’s soul. But that assessment has to be made from a sincere sacred heart space and clarity. There is a middle ground, a balance, a middle path between the two opposing views. There is a way out of the matrix and out of the drama of the polarized opposites. You can only find it through the heart.

I am still searching for the truth in this regard. The whole truth is not yet clear to me. But it may be somewhere between 2 and 32. My guides also tell me that the butchering of human bodies, in order to change gender is traumatizing and not healing, for the person. It does not achieve the goals desired. It does not change gender in fact, only the appearance. And it is part of a very big Psyop - Transgender Agenda, which is attempting to turn boys into girls and girls into boys, to create confusion, chaos, to mislead, and to destroy the family unit.

Alex Jones - Former Trans-Gender Speaks Out

Walt Heyer

Flat Earth

Flat earth is an ideology that states that the Earth is flat, and not round. It has gotten popular in the last few years.
I think this Psyop is there to keep people from thinking about hollow Earth, or honeycomb Earth as some call it, because its compartmentalized into sections like a honey comb. Its very strange to me how many more people are talking about flat earth, then hollow earth, but then again these psyops are very well funded and there are literally 100s of people with PhDs in Universities and in the Military Intelligence whose careers are devoted to designing effective psyops. So its no wonder even things like Flat Earth can gain so much momentum. Hollow Earth is not a Psyop.

Hollow Earth - Admiral Byrd's Epoch-Making Discovery

http://www.ourhollowearth.com/Bernard/Chapter1.htm http://hollowearthresearch.com/admiral-byrd-hollow-earth/

Corey Goode and David Wilcock on Inner Earth and Inner Earth beings

Corey Goode Speaks on the Hollow Earth Theory, Inner Earth Groups, and Non Terrestrials

Weaponized Weather

Weather Wars, Weather Modification, Geo-engineering, Chemtrails, HAARP - these are all terms that are associated with the Psyops that have to do with controlling the weather and climate on the entire planet. The cabal has had technology for over 60 years, that allows them to create storms, rains, droughts, tsunamis, earthquakes, etc. This is used in a variety of ways, such as to punish other nations for certain behaviors, to coerce or blackmail them into certain behaviors, to decrease the population by creating weather disasters that kill a bunch of people, to block sun rays from reaching human beings, to prevent spiritual evolution (for which sunlight is critical),

Benjamin Fulford update: July 10, 2017


The solution is to step back from the drama, and become more introspective about the challenges humanity is facing.
Self reflect deeply on these questions: Who are you? Who are you really? Why are you here? What is your mission in life? Why did the Creator put you planet Earth? What are your goals? What are you willing to give up to attain true freedom?

Realize that if you really want liberation from suffering in the matrix, you have to be willing to give up everything. Because everything that is valuable to you here, keeps you attached to the matrix of duality, samsara, the ocean of suffering.

Realize is that you are not any of the Psyops. You are not any of the things they are putting out there in front of you, as a multiple choice. These are all labels, fictitious constructs, and they do not clarify who you are. They pigeon hole, confuse, beguile, and ultimately deceive you from finding out your true nature - which is a spiritual being having a human experience. Every soul is unique, every path is unique, your answers to your own questions about who you are will be unique, and can only come from inside yourself. Do not slap these external labels on yourself. It will limit you. Don’t internalize or identify with any ideology. I’m not saying don’t talk about these things, or don’t research them. I’m saying don’t think that you can find your self in them or in anything outside yourself.

The cabal creates all these distractions, as games for you to play with, like children. And while you’re entertaining yourself with them, you’re not really being creative, you’re not really getting any closer to enlightenment or attaining liberation out of the matrix. Focus your energy on healing daily. Have a spiritual and mental discipline, which supports you, in your growth and self discovery. Commit to it.

Also, spread the information to as many people as you can. The reason the cabal still has so much power and why an actual physical WW3 might still has potential to occur, is because not enough people are informed, not enough people are meditating and praying for peace, and consciously creating a better world. There has to be at least 10 times more people in my estimation around the globe, actively living and working for peace and enlightenment, for humanity to get its power back, in a way that radically alters the course of our evolution at this time. Don’t invest in fear. Empower yourself with knowledge, question everything.

I did a talk show recently, discussing some themes regarding Psyops


If you need help dealing with challenges, if you need guidance regarding your life direction, or to heal trauma from the past, feel free to email me, and I would be happy to aid you on your healing journey. I’m available for private sessions by phone or in person.

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You can also use Shapeshift.io in order to convert any other cryptocurrency to BTC: https://shapeshift.io/#/coins

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