War is coming very soon starting in the Middle East.

in #war6 years ago

Today's Topic - War is coming very soon starting in the Middle East.

I have bad news for everyone today. Brace for war to start in the Middle East by end this year or 2019.

There are at least two major wars queuing up to happen and unless the people stops it, the big ego useless politicians will have to take a go at each other, because they could not solve the existing problems caused in the past by their nation, under the universal causes & effects or Karma rules.

America is bankrupt to a tune of 21 trillion government debt, plus another 65 trillion unsecured debt and another 21 trillion missing.

As such, the US dollar is gradually taken out as world reserve currency and many countries are now giving USA the middle finger, not help by the escalating current trade war.

America, is also controlled by many believers in Israel, whom now feels threatened by Syria's victory over ISIS created by America, supported by Israel & Saudi Arabia, to down Assad, whom are supported by Russia, China and Iran.

Saudi Arabia have positioned itself with 300,000 combined troops of many Islamic nations in preparation to take on Iran.

The recent Russia & China combined 300,000 troops war game exercise is actually a real deployment of troops in position for this coming war.

Israel last week was accused by Russia of engineering one of their support planes accidentally being shot down by Syria.

The Deep State or real powers that control many Western governments, whom are failing and most are actually bankrupt, needs a diversion or enemy to start wars and covered up their massive financial screw up of ripping many nations to bankruptcy ,and they needed to create powerful enemies to take everyone down by instigating Russia and China to take part in bringing down everyone by nuclear fussion.

If the prophecies of Prophets Enoch, Jeremiah and BEAM comes through, Israel will eventually by flatten by Russia (this was left out by many holy books on purpose) and entire USA will be destroyed by invading Russian forces from the North.

There are two world wars coming and two civil wars in America on the way.

The 1st of the 3rd world war may be a limited event as many parties called a half, after everyone suffering a disastrous casualties with limited nuclear attacks. The world survives. This one will be started when no one expects it.

The 2nd of the 3rd world war will destroyed almost everyone, with 97% of global population fried, and just pockets of limited 3% remains. In this case, 3 million people will die immediately and the rest 8 billion slowly dying with poisonous air, starvation and diseases. Those whom suffers immediate death are the lucky ones.

America will suffer two civil wars in succession, mainly due to the death of the US dollar and its bankruptcy. Besides the East coast will be hit be a massive tsunami that floods entire New York city and 12 miles into Washington DC, plus major earthquakes to hit West Coast California and another right in the middle of the continent splitting it into 5 blocks. This is the price to pay with Karma for murdering so many innocence people in many countries through their war campaigns, for the purposes of their own greedy agenda in their military complex.

To minimise this war from happening, the people must increase their consciousness, see clearly and expose those dark forces behind the hidden agenda to kill everyone.

Corrupt politicians starts war, the people must stop them while they are still alive.

Thank you.

David Lim. Revelations. 25 Sept 2018.


This is the plan with agenda 21, the globalist will kill more than 90% of the population. Every time the USA gets in debt they cause a mayor war. The civil wars are just a distraction for the big event. I fear that this will come in before 2025.