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RE: North Korea

in #war8 years ago

I think you should ALL be made to give up your nuclear weapons, AND nuclear power as well.

The nuclear deterrent hasn't stopped wars, and if either of these two madmen hit the button it won't stop still more wars.

The US has long ago abandoned any moral high ground in this coming conflict. and the idea that 'we have nukes, but you can't have them because you're bad' doesn't wash outside the US.

How many countries has North Korea invaded since the sixties? How many?

How many civilians in other countries has North Korea killed as collateral damage?

How much environmental damage have North Korean companies done to the plant?

Take a good hard look at yourself America and try to see this from the perspective of the rest of the world.

North Korea is not the problem. If you leave them alone, they won't bother anyone or break anything.

The US is the nation most likely to bring large scale destruction to any country that tries to be independent, or has a different system of government, or who doesn't want McDonalds and Coke.

War fixes nothing. It never has and it never will. It only create more suffering and misery. But not for those who wave the battle flag. They never have to serve or sacrifice. They don't get bombed.

That's what the youth are for. That's why your soldiers are all so young, because anyone who is a bit older knows enough to know that it is all just wrong.