One Thousand and One Nights: Wardan the Butcher and the Vizier's Daughter: Second Night

in #wardan2 years ago (edited)

Wardan the Butcher and the Vizier's Daughter


Wardan the butcher kills the monkey and replaces it as the sexual partner of the vizier's daughter.

Then ... sorry, you must read the full story to know the rest.

Continue to be warned that there are more explicit sexual descriptions.


Scheherazade said:

And Wardan the butcher continued his story:

Me, I was amazed. And I say in my soul: “Now is the time to seize the opportunity! And with a shove I broke down the door, and rushed into the room, brandishing my butcher's knife so sharp that it could reach the bone before the flesh.

I threw myself resolutely on the enormous monkey, not a muscle of which moved, so much had his exercises annihilated him, I pressed my knife abruptly on his neck and, suddenly, I separated his head from the trunk. Then the vital force that was in him came out of his body with a great crash, gasps, and convulsions, so much so that the young girl suddenly opened her eyes and saw me with a knife full of blood in my hand. She then uttered a cry of terror such that I thought for a moment I saw her expire dead without return. However, she was able, seeing that I meant her no harm, to recover her senses little by little and recognize me. Then she said to me: “Is this, O Wardan, how you treat a faithful customer?" I said to her: “O enemy of yourself! Are there no more able-bodied men for you to have recourse to such expedients?" She answered me: “O Wardan, first listen to the cause of all this and perhaps you will excuse me!"

"Know, in fact, that I am the grand-vizier's only daughter. Until the age of fifteen I lived peacefully in my father's palace, but one day a black man taught me what I had to learn and took what was in me to take. Now, you must know that there is nothing like a black man to set fire to our interior, to us women, especially when the ground has smelled of this black manure the first time. So don't be surprised to know that my land has since become so altered that the black man had to water it every hour without stopping.

“After a while, the negro died on the job, and I told my grief to an old woman in the palace who had known me from childhood. The old woman nodded and said to me: “The only thing that can replace a nigger with you now, my daughter, is the monkey. Because nothing is more fertile in assaults than the monkey."

"I allowed myself to be persuaded by the old woman, and one day, seeing a monkey trainer pass under the windows of the palace, making his animals perform somersaults, I suddenly uncovered my face in front of the largest of them who was watching. Immediately he broke his chain and, without his master being able to stop him, he fled through the streets, made a long detour, and, through the gardens, returned to the palace and ran straight to my room where he immediately took me in his arms and did what he did ten times in a row, without stopping.

“However, my father eventually learned of my relationship with the monkey and almost killed me that day. So I, no longer able to do without my monkey, secretly had this underground dug for me where I locked him up. And I brought him food and drink myself until today when fate made you discover my hiding place and pushed you to kill him! Alas! what will I become now?"

So I tried to console her, and said to her, to calm her: "Be sure, my mistress, that I can advantageously replace the monkey. Do a test and you will see because I am famous in this domain! And, in fact, I showed her, that day and the following ones, that my bravery exceeded that of the deceased monkey and the deceased black man.

It could not go on like this for long, however; for, after a few weeks, I was lost in it as in an abyss. And the young girl, on the contrary, saw her desires increase day by day and her fire from within fanned.

In this unfortunate situation, I had recourse to the science of an old woman whom I knew to be incomparable in the art of preparing potions and making remedies for the most ineradicable diseases. I told her the story from the beginning to the end and said to her: “Now, my good aunt, I come to ask you to make me a preparation capable of extinguishing the desires of this woman and calming her temper!" She replied: “Nothing is easier!" I said, "I rely entirely on your science and your wisdom!" »

So she took a pot in which she put an ounce of seeds of Egyptian lupine, an ounce of virgin vinegar, two ounces of hops, and a few foxglove leaves. She boiled everything for two hours, carefully decanted the liquid, and said to me: “The remedy is ready." So I begged her to accompany me underground; and there she said to me: “First you have to ride her until she falls exhausted! And she retired to the corridor to await the execution of her order.

I did what she ordered me to do, and so much so that the girl lost consciousness. Then the old woman entered the room, and, after having heated the liquid in question, put it in a small copper basin and carried it between the thighs of the vizier's daughter. She made her fumigations that penetrated well into her fundamental parts; it must have produced a radical effect, because suddenly I saw two objects fall from between the spread thighs, one after the other, which began to wriggle. I examined them more closely and saw that they were two eels, one yellow and the other black.

At the sight of the two eels…

— Then Scheherazade saw the morning appear and quietly fell silent.

First Night

Third Night


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The intimate details in this chapter is more erotic than the first. The one thing I want to point out is that the grand-vizier's daughter's 'condition' is not normal. I'm not saying this to stigmatize but just stating the fact. Having a high sex drive is a normal part of an adult's life and people's drive varies. We see in this story that this lady's sex drive is excessive and borders on obsession of a kind, like a nymphomaniac.

I admire Wardan's bravery in killing the ape but it seemed he did not know what he was getting himself into. He found out the hard way —it is hard to please a nymphomaniac or a hypersexual person (man or woman). Scheherazade gave us an insight into the grand-vizier's daughter's condition after the old woman administrated her liquid preparations into the lady's private part. The appearance of the two eels means either the lady was cursed by the black man that slept with her at first or it represents a disease of some sort. I'm not sure. This is both a mystery and suspense.

I'm also wondering what Wardan's motive is to seek help for the young lady. I suspect he may be in love with her truly and not just for the sex. 😅 I realise this story may be uncomfortable for people to discuss but some parts of it are reality. I'm looking forward to the next chapter with eagerness and hope the old woman can save the lady so she can live a normal life with Wardan! Thank you for sharing this story. 😊😊

I have to be honest, this 2nd part is crazier than the first chapter that I read. Especially when the Grand Vizier's daughter gave a confession about her history. Does that mean she has a condition that she is very obsessed with sex? Her first experience was with a Negro and when that wasn't there she moved to a big monkey, good Lord! That's incredibly difficult to imagine that a human being will allow an animal to have sex with her, that's sick.

And this Wardan also messed around. So he killed the monkey because he truly desires the young girl. And he wants to be with the young girl as a replacement for the monkey, oh sweet Lord! I think this story is extraordinary and I'm amazed where the author got this type of story. Is this based from true events? Or entirely fiction? I can't tell for sure but it seems that it was based on a real-life story. The world is huge and it has many secrets that we don't know yet.

And then come to the last part, an old woman used a potion that made 2 types of eels out of the young girl... what!? What is the implication of this in the story? And what does the appearance of these two eels mean?

Tomorrow will find out about it from the last part of this story.

"It is not enough for common people to understand this story"

Reading and enjoying the story is one thing but understanding the story is more important. I understand very well what this story is about and what it is trying to show and convey, we must have seen such movies in which animalism is rampant whether it is male or female.

I will not tell openly but I want to covertly tell the summary of this story in my own words

As I mentioned above, we have seen this in movies too when the brutality goes to the head, then whether it's a man or a woman, they wants a kind of sex that is not in the normal routine, so they had sex in a very brutal way. And once they've had sex that deep, they don't want to do anything less (I don't want to say anything more than that, I hope you understand what I'm trying to say)

There is a certain section in our society that likes such stories such people live not only with sex but with brutal sex. And films like "Wrong Turn" are made for such people. Well now the next part of this story is to see if this girl gets cured and if not, if that butcher Wardan fulfills this girl's wishes.....

Sexual desire is a part of human physiology and psychology, experienced by both men and women. However, in this story, engaging in sexual acts with animals as a woman is illegal and unethical, which is a fundamental aspect of human civilization. While we should respect everyone's sexual autonomy, we also need to exercise this right within the boundaries of law and ethics. In the story, the woman's sexual desire is portrayed as very aggressive, and I strongly suspect that she has a disorder that requires treatment.

I don't want to write this but honesty is the best policy, by reading these two parts from the story, I don't find this story as interesting as the story of Alladin was,

Both the parts failed to capture the interest of the readers specially me.

Though i understand the story and has a clear view of what's happening in it but it still failed to capture my attention.

My understanding of story is that the vizier daughter is played in the hand of some wrong people, the black man mentioned in this part, he forced her to do what is not good for humans.

Having intercourse with animals can never be good for humans, now the butcher is also misusing her with the help of that lady.

Though he wanted to help the vizier daughter but acts of bad can never have good results.

I just read the first night and immediately came to the second night. I have to say, these stories from "One Thousand and One Nights" makes me think they all happen for real and if not, then Scheherazade must be the best storyteller in the world.

From the first night I suspect that the young woman must be under curse or something, turns out I was right. Wardan definitely went above the hook when he said, "Be sure, my mistress, that I can advantageously replace the monkey."😅 but his body couldn't keep up. My question now is how did the young woman have two eels inside her? My skin is crawling 😬.

Thank you for sharing stories from One Thousand and One Nights, it is an amazing experience for me as learn about the Arabian folklores. 😊

It seems that the vizier's daughter is a sex addict. The butcher, however, was only carried away by his momentary passions and now he does not know how to get out of this terrible situation.
He asks the old woman for help to save him but we'll see if our butcher doesn't end up losing his head.
It is curious how this story scandalizes and is perceived today. This shows us that far from what we think, we are increasingly moving towards an ultra-conservative society.

At first I didn't understand this story at all, then I read it again and again, so now I understand something. The way this butcher has done to this girl she is very scared because when her eyes are open she sees blood on her hand so she is very scared and she Have you been treated customer this way?.

And the way she's saying that I'm only fifteen years old and I was living a very prosperous life at my father's place and as far as explaining to me that she's been kidnapped. Then he killed this monkey and made this girl his partner.

I also don't find this story as interesting as the previous one, but we are getting a lesson in this too, we are definitely getting to learn something. It just means that the woman is checking how she will be satisfying. Only the last part of this story is left, maybe after reading it, I will understand this story correctly, which I am now understanding.

Crazy story and what and when a woman wants, she shall get it. It was pretty funny to see her appetite started by a black man, move to a monkey, and now getting satisfied by Wardan the butcher. While in the beginning, the experiences were enjoyable for both of them, the butcher started to fade as he has fallen into an abyss of desire from the vizier's daughter. Thus, he seeks to dim her desires with a potion...

Once the sexual desire ignites, it is hard to stop it. The butcher discovered this on his own skin as he offered himself to satisfy the vizier's daughter, but soon he realized that he cannot continue like this or he will die or go mad. He is trying to make his partner of passion to have less desire with a potion, but will that help? We shall see.

I read the two chapters today, since I couldn't connect since yesterday, it's a very different story from Allandin's, but it's full of magic, sexual acts, where as a woman I had more anxiety to be intimate.

But from what is finally told, it seems that this woman had something inside her that made her a fiery woman, who had to be sated by a monkey. But to the butcher's curiosity, she made him now her servant.

But the man couldn't take it that long, which is why he sought out the great magician to calm her fever.

Wardan the butcher kills the monkey and replaces him as the vizier's daughter's sexual partner.

What this young woman hid was a monkey inside her, which made her satisfy her most intimate desires, but what I don't understand about her was why she left so many things to the monkey to please those intimacies.

Before having sex with the monkey, did this woman have any ritual? a magic that she had to do? or in the aftermath, this part of the story was left out so that it was all the things that the servant bought for her and took her downstairs.

At the same time, why did the young man also arrive tired, with pale skin? Was the woman bewitching him to also please herself with this young man? will she be she that she bewitched him?

Now the butcher happened to be the sexual partner of this fiery woman, but despite being a willing man, it was more the exhaustion of his body that he could not satisfy this woman.

why did the young man also arrive tired, with pale skin?

Because she had sex ten times every night!

She brought plenty of food to feed the monkey.

Oh wow!!
I was confused at first when the woman was acting weird in the first part but I now understand that she is keeping a monkey inside her. That is so weird.
It seems to be very weird to me when a woman is having sex with a Monkey.
I guess the butcher was nice enough to invite a great magician to come help her out.
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Wow! This story get more intense. I am glad Wardan came to her rescue, but then what price? Not knowing the root of problem before killing the ape and I won't say its a good thing for humans and animals to co-exist together sexually. Now look,Wardan finds a solution for her and my fingers crossed that it won't the beginning of more problems but a permanent solution. Over to the next night, am so curious whether the old woman's portion worked permanently. Thank you ☺️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️