yeah but it doesnt work that way if the user is not an American citizen. We often forget that the world is not under the jurisdiction of the US court system ! Imagine when the peopel suing figure that one out! I hope noone is trying to sue a decentralized autonomous organization LOL imagine someone trying to sue "Bitcoin" hahaha "class action lawsuit against Bitcoin attempts to find Bitcoin Creator so they can bring him court summons" I can se it in the news now! Theyll arrest some poor innocent old Japanese man with the name Satoshi Nakamoto and claim he has billions in Bitcoins he never paid taxes on or something, it will be so sad. Our court system is so broken, copyright law is a travesty, intellectual "property" doesnt exist and if anything, the people suing should actually JOIN STEEMIT and POST abouit it instead of going to the courts! I wish people would actually talk to us before trying to sue! I mean, dont they undertand that if they just postd about it theyd get MORE than the person in question has EVER made of the copied photos!
Is it too late to contact these peopel suing and try to get them to just post thir stiory to steemit ? Explain how they can make miuch more money that way and suing wont ever work and will just bea headache, noone wants to go to court, using steemit to solve our problems will be MUCH easier and more fun!
IMAGINE steemit SVu or Steemit COurt sysyetm a Steemit Supreme Court!
I think u should be on a Tribunal council stella! u seem like u would bea fair and impartial Judge, and could help solve disputes between steel members
we need a Steemit Courtroom., THE PEOPLE court! like that! Where the Verdict is reched and you either pay the person suing you, or you get flagged, OR maybe if youre found guilty you get flagged or flagged for a week or a month LOL or something, i hjust think it would be helpful to have some plce to go where there is a track rcord of fair and honest hearings and you coudl establish that @stellabelle