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RE: .00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 SBD

in #waronspam8 years ago (edited)

Yet again as I have said numerous damn times before, I write open source stuff to TEACH people. If you want to be ignorant and just copy paste it and use it without reading and learning that is your prerogative.

Bots are not bad or spam. Some bots can be, sure. But I would wager a bet that you have made more bytes of bullshit comments than my "spammy" introduction bot has ever made.

By writing simple scripts people learn how to interact with the blockchain in a more complex way. There are many services that requires automation, and learning how to write it by starting with a simple starter script is very helpful to them.

You are clearly not a programmer so I don't really care about your opinion when you say I wrote a spammy bot but I will respond to it for transparency especially since you are almost passive aggressively talking shit about me on this platform.

Nearly every tech firm you see in existence today utilized bots and automation to perform necessary tasks that help their business or their customers. You are ridiculous to think you can or should try to regulate the network by stopping people from coding things that interact with the blockchain in a programmatic way.

All you want to do is complaining but not offer any actionable solutions to the issue you seem to be so concerned about.

Let me see a post you make explaining how you plan to clean up the spam from the bad actors before I worry about the "spam" from the beneveolent programmers.


"Hey guys we have an entirely censorship proof system here and we are paying out of our own pockets (witnesses) to keep it running but @enjar with his 240 SP thinks we should change it all up. Scrap it all an start over boys"

Btw I didn't call in bots to prop up you comment for any reason other than to prove the worth of bots. To which you explained that you yourself use the bots you are calling spam or bad for the network.

I will keep in mind that you don't like upvotes and will ensure you don't get them from me. No problem there.