All of the years I spent on Twitter, I rarely saw anyone site a source for pictures, videos or articles. It may be a consequence of the limited characters a tweet can have or the fact that there is no money involved. That sort of behavior will and has entered the steemit platform, as there are more new accounts daily.
What is the answer? What are the repercussions? Will there be law suits filed against high reward posts that use unsourced content of others?
@stellabelle is correct in questioning what the actual policy is.
BOOM EXACTLY! When Money is involved ALL OF THE SUDDEN people start complaining! Its REDICULOUS! The Money is NOT Us dollars its STEEM and it is NOT coming FROm the photios!
we are NOT selling the photos! (I am NOT defending content thieves im just making a case for the fact that there ius no such thing asintelectiual property, theres no real estate in the 4th dimensional thought ether...u cant own an idea) ANYAy the whole idea of making money off a photo only applis iof your SELLING IT and if your getting paid for a post using someone lesesphotos, what if theres 4 photos in thre> and some text? Who is to say that the TEXT was resonsibel foryour upvote? And how would u split up themoney> would u pay the person a 5th of the posts rewards? what about if the price of stem DROPS? an also, what if i dont want to coinvrt my steem to BTC and dollar bills? Will the person acceopt steem to get paid bak for the money u make of their post? Its like having to pay taxes on steem rewards...the IRS doesnt accept steem that I know of, yet, LOl untill they make an IRS account to pay them, ythats a nightmare waiting to happen shit
ANYWAY back yto my VERY passionate argument, I AGREE with you 100 Percent that I have NEVER EVER seen people worry about citing images on TWITER or facebook OR EVEN REDDIt most of the time even when a photo is on front page!!!! People dont EVER care about citing images ion Instagram and they make ALOT of money marketing using Instagram!
WTF yah youre so right! people NEVER EVER care about citing images ion twiter! twitter LOVES the traffic the copied images provide!
Now AL of the sudden, people see that Steemit users get Rewards and thing were getting PAID and NO, we arer getting UPVOTES, the steempower we reciuve is NOT money its STEEMPOWER. Its also not money when we get SBD, thoe are steem dollars and they are NOT us dollars! Its just MATh and its NOT REAL MONEY and if the US government wants to recignize it as legal tender they will haveto actually allow us to pay off debts with steem and buy stuff with steem....they cant force us to powerdown to pay them/...and what if you "loose' your steemit key? seriously what if steemit goes down and u cant acess your steem?!?!?!
Seriously peopel are SO !UICK to want to TAX and SUE a Sucesful website that JUST started JUST because its sucesful! but who KNOWS if we will ven be able to ACESSour steem in teh future! ANYTHING coiuld happen!
haha people create a system where all of the sudden billions of dollars are generated by computers, and people on the one hand claim its not real,m and on the other hand want a piece of it and demand we pay taxes on it WITHOUT telling us WHY we should, as if they IMMEDIATELY claim crypto currency profit is fucking capital gains, and then when people see us making money off a post that includes a photo that isn't ours, they think they deserve that money???? Like Iu said that was never an issue on twitter! Noone demand they hare theur followers or upvotes aftr using a copied image!
Mayb we should just HIDE the price on posts! make it only visible to people who are logged in!
I thought showing the price would always be good, but maybe we need to keep this on the down low, keep it low key OR present the Payments in a more accurate way. or anonymous. It would be cool to have some sortof anonymous wallet, using a mixer or something, splitting up all your money into many different accounts, but anyways its going to be a pain in th ass dealing with all the SNAKES that come OIUT of the wood work to find ways to sue teemit users, after they find out they cant sue a decentrlized blockchain can shut down and we will be fine and can just ue but we wont ever have shut down because someone will always always bring it back online! And thre is always and thre is steemdb and chainbb and you can even access steem from command line
@ackza, that about covers it all :)
When people take the content of others - the appropriate recourse is to file a DMCA takedown request. This is a long-standing issue in my blogging groups. For example - I make a post on my blog and tomorrow someone copy/pastes it into their blog. The takedowns work if you keep up with them. After a few - the host will kill the site since they do not want to have to deal with it. The takedown goes to the host - not the person who stole the content.
This happens to people who post recipes frequently. If the post is text, food pics and the recipe it is tempting for others to steal. So my friends' entire posts will be up on 10 sites in 24 hours. Lucky for me - no one cares about natural weight loss so I have a had very few issues in 7 years - but I have had them.
Here's the info for the takedown. I'm not certain it would work if used here with the decentralization. Who is the host on steemit? I'm not sure. The DMCA checks for the first posting and all the others get the notices.
Good to see that there is actually some recourse out there. I haven't blogged other than Steemit, so the world of intellectual theft didn't really affect me much. I see the problem, when you state that your friends content is all over the internet in a day.
My wife and I were just talking about how much we hate the fact that money corrupts everything. Obvious necessary evil, but it is so pervasive. Whether it be bribes, campaign contributions or outright theft, there always will be that person who desires to pervert the system to benefit themselves.
So true - and why the good guys have to band together. Just fyi - if your post is more personal - it is less likely to be stolen. So recipe bloggers that have their faces in the photos or their kids or dog have less issues. If the post looks generic - it's the first to go.
But yes, this is a big problem all over the internet. At least here - we can stamp them down with group effort. When a person in another country puts your post on their obscure site - it's a bit harder to find and deal with.
One story I remember from years ago is a woman who took a photo of her teen daughter looking happy. She was a portrait photographer and used this pic in her marketing. This photo ended up selling cell phones in Eastern Europe. This photographer was semi-famous and started getting people sending her photos of this pic selling phones in conveniences stores, bus stops, street signs, magazines, etc. All in Latvia and other such countries.
She ended up doing a series of posts about it and I'm sure drew a lot more people to her work out of the problem. AsI recall, she was never able to get the photo taken down because it was widespread, being used by many, and not even on the internet.
She did a post about "My Daughter - The International Star" showing all the usage. Making lemonade from lemons!
People will poach whatever is not being guarded. That is an interesting case study you used.
There is so much wrong going on and I like the people who make the best of it in creative ways. I have more! I've been at this for about 7 years and people's reaction to theft is very interesting to me :)