The War on...

in #waronyou3 years ago


Yes, all the wars to protect the "public" are a war on the public.

These wars can't be won, they aren't supposed to be won. They are supposed to drain tax money to fund authoritarian endeavors, and get people rich on the way there.

War on drugs, is just a way to criminalize non-violent behavior.

War on terror is just a way to create a boogeyman to then ramp up control in your own country through "Security" laws and agencies.

The latest war on COVID is the next step. It's just a war on you to bring in the next security state, the bio-security state.

This accurately depicts the current war on COVID that can't even be won logistically if you believe in it. Zero-COVID is a delusion, but it sells with the fear and keeps the money flowing.


Next up: War on climate change, another huge hoax, tax grab and authoritarian move of control.