The Irish Water Shortage is Real

in #water8 years ago

For the last week a town on the East Coast of Ireland has had no water. No plan was put in place, there seemed to be no real effort to fix the problem. It took a week for the army to get involved and set up tanks to supply local residents with water. Another attempt has been made to seal the section of burst pipe, if this dowsn't work there is no appart plan B. The original and main water mains to the area is delivered by asbestos pipes.

The Irish people where asked to pay water charges and while they did the service is appalling. People have been reportedly carrying water cans on the heads from the temporary tanker locations. How on earth are old people to get any kind of water supply. Shops 100kms south of the affected area had no water for sale.

Sounds like a 3rd world country if you ask me!