Words failed her over and over again. What was it that it was so much easier to just let out a scream over the top of the trees or bleed color in the water? She’d tell you the most beautiful thoughts, but the sound of her own voice and wording never did it justice. Never delicate and nuanced enough. Explain the beauty of this old oak tree desk, all it’s patterns, marks and discoloration. Scent of the soil, dream within a dream, softness of the touch. So shy to speak. Terrified to dissect the thought. Jeopardize it’s pureness with muffling not even remotely resembling language. If she could show somehow..
Song of the day: Ki:Theory, Maura Davis - Needles
Love your colors! :)
Are you talking about yourself in this post?
Thank you @lindiry!
Yes. I like to switch it up and use different ways of telling things (to confuse my readers, hehe)
Did you clearcoat it in glue? That shine on the black is breathtaking. I love it!
Thank you @erodedthoughts! Yes, I indeed clear coated the black part with glue. It is actually something I picked up from my dad's old works long, long time ago :) When working with tempera colors I miss the brightness of the colors, glue wakes them up :)
Very cool tip! Old school tricks are the best, they are usually simple and really work well.
Sometimes ''silence is golden'' and sometimes kills..screaming and shouting can heal also, especially done in nature alone @m31.
Also, like a lot your watercolor approach, interesting piece this one.
Sometimes I wonder if the silence is really silent if it makes sense? Soul can scream in silence as well.
Thank you so much @jungwatercolor! It means a lot coming from water color master such as yourself! :)
The oak desk will show itself through the silence of your thoughts, for what the lips dare not utter, the hands will mutter it in pictures and art.
Beautifully put @warpedpoetic! There are so many hidden languages, but they are there ^^
Looks really good :D
Thank you :)
That's interestingly different! =)
And yes... Yes, exactly. I gave my journal the name "Shadow Journal" exactly because of this notion... Words, I always thought, were mere shadows of the true experience I was trying to relate.
This is why I love visual art so much... The levels of nuance you're able to express are so much more, even if they're more easily mis-interpreted.
But even those "mis"interpretations can end up revealing something about you/your own work that hadn't occurred to you.
Loved the song, as usual.
I love that idea of a shadow journal. Words are lacking so often ✨💖
Hope 'interestingly different' is good? I think there might be some Inception in there somewhere. It was playing in the background as I was painting :)
Cool idea about the Shadow Journal. I've thought about keeping physical journal to write down something like shadows myself or to doodle something.
Could not agree more about the visual art :)
Yes, it is good ^^ ... It somehow makes me feel on edge... Not sure what it is...
You should definitely start keeping a journal... And I should definitely revisit mine; it has been a long time. There's something about writing in a place that no-one else is going to read that liberates you and is very therapeutic. You discover sometimes where you're lying to yourself.
Whoa!! This is dope... looks like a bunch of jellyfish bottoms all hanging about hahaha :) Really enjoying the contrast from that rich black... those blues are right up my alley..
awesome! I love the precision of it <3 Hope to see more of this :)