Proxy Falls

This evening's blog post shall be brief: for Waterfall Wednesday (a theme started by @mibreit-photo), I have an older photo from one of Oregon's more famous, if out of the way, cascades: Proxy Falls, on the MacKenzie Highway.

I hope you like it. :)



okay, everything I can say about this photo will sound super inappropriate. I'd better shut up and just say "nice photo".

I love the green color scheme of this photo

I'm glad you like that effect, thanks! :)

Now that's a pretty waterfall. Sometimes I wish I still used a tripod..

Hmn, yeah, I almost always use a tripod. I wish I didn't have to though, haha!

Just like a fairy tale! Or a scene from the woods in the Lord of the Rings!!
Is there such a place on earth, really?! The earth is full of beauty. Hope humans will keep it this way!

Yes, I think there are! But maybe Middle-Earth is in the eye of the beholder?

that is an amazing photo!!!!

Thank you! :)

beautiful and flawless work, congratulations.

Thank you, @melvadg! :D


Thank you, Bonnie! :)

I do indeed like it! Incredible shot! And now I'm super curious what @r00sj3 was going to say...

Thank you! Curiosity killed the cat...

...satisfaction brought him back.

We used to say that one as kids but now that I think about it, it doesn't make much sense, lol.

Unless the cat belonged to Schroedinger or something.

At this point, I don't know if the cat is dead or alive...

Maybe there is no cat. Have you considered that?

No, but I photographed a bunch of members of our local C.A.T.T. organization tonight. Now I'm so confused. Wait, what???

did you print this in a wall size? if not i think you should :D

Ah, no, I haven't! I don't even have free walls to put a wall-sized print on, haha!

you should start building a wall for it :)

And then build a house in which to put the wall? haha!

powerful...yet tranquil :)


Beautiul photo! You must be burnt out after that mammoth into post !

Uhh, definitely finding this on the next time through Oregon!

Yeah you should! :D

Wow man. Everything about this!

Hehe, thank you! :D

Is this by chance the lower portion of what we see in the Weeping colossus image? :)

Nope, different country (the other was from British Columbia), but in imagination there's no reason it couldn't be!

Wow amazing, this waterfall is huge, love how many different little falls there are!

It is! Wish I had a person there for scale!

You have captured really awesome view and with great composition.

Thanks, glad you like it. :)

@derekkind, this photo is outstanding! I like it very much!

Thanks for stopping by! :)

Love our Mother Earth so much. Thank you for your great photos!!

Well thank you, @livvu! :)

Wow. Love it. Never seen falls like this before. The green moss makes it standout even more.

Yes, I've seen a couple that are similar, but not quite like this. :)

Yeah... it's okay!! ; )

It's alright, if you like that sort of thing.

It's better than alright!! Please know I was very much joking... it's absolutely gorgeous!!

Haha I know! I saw the winky face. ;)

Oh good!!! :D

Breathtaking! During my brief visit to Oregon I enjoyed several falls. I'd love to see this one next time. Thanks for sharing gorgeous nature photography. I discovered your blog when I saw your photo in the Nature Photo Contest hosted by @shadalene. I really appreciate your work and now you have a new follower :)

That's awesome, @mininthecity! Thanks for the follow! I'm glad to hear you found me through @shadalen's contest. :)