So, after seeing this square watermelon for sale for $300US in a high-end fresh market in Bangkok last week, I was sure that it was GMO...but I was wrong. I decided to find out how. It would appear to be very simple to grow your own square watermelon for fun or profit if you follow these 5 easy steps:
Sqaure Watermelon for sale
Choose a box the correct size. The size of the box will determine the size of your square watermelon
Take a newly-sprouted watermelon. Handle the fruit and vines very carefully as most vines do not like being moved.
Place the watermelon inside the box. The box will need to have at least one removable side for access. Fill it with soil and gentlyplace the watermelon plant into position. Add the required compost and mulch.
Water and care forthe watermelon as usual. Make sure that it gets adequate light. You may wish to turn it slighty as it grows to keep it even.
If done correctly, you will now have 1 x square watermelon to eat, profit or just impress your friends with your awesomeness...
Hope you enjoyed this. I'm off to get started. Will let you know how it goes.
This is cool ! I wonder what else you could do this with? Pineapple ?
Hey thats very cool... here my upvote...
Thanks, I really want to try it. I hope its a simple as it looks, but I'm pretty sure mine won't come out square, it will be a
Haha, this is great; I'm tempted! :-)
Cg how to blow up a #watermelon