Friends, Some thing is confusing me and thats discovering that money is mixing from my wallet , what is the cause of this?. I need an answer please.
Friends, Some thing is confusing me and thats discovering that money is mixing from my wallet , what is the cause of this?. I need an answer please.
Also curious...
Thanks, But I want to know, Why such a should happen.Dose it mean that some one has had access to pin number?
I couldn't understand what are you meaning. Can you please sgare screnshot?
Yes I know it may not be easy for another person to understand, I went to our office and complained to my boss, And he told me it was the way cripsto use to rise and some times also it will drop, The point was that from my wallet on a particular day, I saw (49) dollars , the following day it came back to (39) the next day it came( 37) I became confused that was why I made the post. Whence the person that registered me, his phon.line was not going then. And he was not in town.Thanks for your concern.