
This vote does not mean anything to you. It will not affect your payout or reputation. Don't worry!

Really. This is not necessary.. Right!!. And it is ridiculous because someone support somone it been down-voted

there are many different algorithms here, not all of which work correctly. I don't think this is malicious intent

I hope so.. Thank you for explaining that to me. I hope you will have a great day ahead

Who are you to tell them how to vote?

Who are they to down-vote something without any Fundamentals.. Because somone give support to someone that doesn't mean they deserve down vote

They are someone with a vote. Everything you post on Hive runs the risk of receiving downvotes, and people don't have to give a reason.

Do you ask why people upvote your post, or ask who they are to be able to upvote you?

What is your problem?.. I told you that reason why they did it. Not because of my post.. It's because I supported hive watchers

My problem is that I don't like people second guessing why other people vote one way or another. What's the point of even having a vote if you can't use it as you see fit?

Ok. Look skip my post and all good. If I don't like someting I don't give a like. I skip it. But if somone is supporting somone that they think it's good here. And I don't like that I won't down vote their choice.. Look at the profile who downvoted me and read the description... I think that's not OK!

The irony that you're upset about getting downvoted for supporting an account that exists to hand out downvotes is perfectly delicious.