
I live in Venezuela, my monthly budget is $40, of that amount I can only spend $10 on food, which is generally rice. I can't buy vegetables because they are very expensive, and if I do I can't pay the rent and the internet service.

For any other person who has more income it is easier, but being in a country with such a strong economic crisis and with an income of $40 a month as it is in my case, I have to feed myself only with what I can buy.

If I buy any vegetable, it will only last me 3 or 4 days to eat, and what will I eat the rest of the 23 days until I receive my income again?

It is painful and very difficult for me, but it is what it is.

Okay. Do you workout?

I can't exercise if I don't have the necessary food to replenish electrolytes and everything I need, plus I need special treatment because I'm diabetic.

I walk as much as I can and do squats, but I can't afford to expend more energy than I should if I need it to work for a living.