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RE: Ecency waves Aug 26

in #waves7 months ago

You know, different crow populations have different relationships with the local humans that cohabitate in the region, and some might be more skittish than others based on a cultural view of people as threats. You didn't charge out there like a paparazzi predator, so you're probably good there. Better, even, since I'm sure our friend Crow saw that you were the provider of water and snacks. Yay water! Keep it up. Eventually, at the very least, you'll get lingering rights. They'll tell each other "yeah, that's just Albus, he has a staring problem but he's got great treats." I have some crow relationships like that.


HAHAHA!! I’m gonna sketch that tomorrow 😆

Oooooo please share the sketch!!

Forewarning, I’m no arteest. I put it in this big old sloppy post, but I’ll give you the highlight reel here so you don’t have to sift through all my insanity just to see my goofy old sketches 🤣

These are raaaaaaaaaad!!!!!

HAHAHA!!!! Thank you! :)