
Sorry you’re going through this.

May have a perfect health.

This reminds me of a song.

Yeah, the body can only stand eating toxic foods for so many years. Detoxifying (like with breathwork, enema, dry skin brushing, oil pulling, fasting, Chlorine Dioxide etc.) Would be a good idea. At least your body is telling you now (rather than in 10 or 20 yrs) and you have recognised that, so now u have opportunity to prevent physical disease.

Sat Nam

I feel this. I have a ridiculous number of allergies. I think, given what I know now, I have had them for most of my life, but I didn't know it because the symptoms weren't what you think of as "allergies," plus, they got worse with time. I didn't go see an allergist until I had a rash that wouldn't go away in my 30s, but I had other problems like digestive issues for over a decade before that that went away once I stopped eating what I was allergic to. It's wild. Sometimes I feel like "WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO EAT" 😭😭😭