
Summer definitely coming our way. Got 26 degrees Celsius today!

Get the kettle on, I'm on my way! ;-)

I checked the local (Hungarian) weather forecast. The temperature will be pleasant in the entire month. It will be around 24-28 °C until 2023.09.23. And it will be around 22-23 °C until 2023.09.30. Even the first day of October will be pleasant (24 °C). Then the temperature will start to go slightly down. It will be around 16-17 °C around the middle of October.

We're all coming to Hungary!

Is the weather in your country so bad? :-D
Haha. :-D

It's gone sunny now. Currently 21C Look at that band of rain right through the middle of the UK.

image source

Currently we also have 21 °C. I heard that it is often raining in the United Kingdom.

It rains more in Scotland and Wales. 🤣

The great thing about seasons is that they come around again.

You hope.

"Tomorrow isn't promised."
-- Walter Payton

The Earth will keep circling the Sun, but the climate may get messed up by us.

I should imagine a few Nukes lobbed around won't help either. The sun will likely engulf Earth in about 7.59 billion years. As for "Global Warming", while it's true humankind will have to mass migrate, and so therefore a global population shift will be required. Planet Earth will still be habitable for a few billion years yet unless the Chinese get sick to the back teeth of the Americans penning them in.

Image source

Humans can be incredibly short sighted. We've only got this hunk of rock to live on and making parts of it uninhabitable seems stupid. The politicians need to grow up.

Wow, that escalated quickly from a chat about the weather to nuclear holocaust.

It's actually pretty relevant. We may well soon be fighting for who has the cooler (as in heat) location. Quick! Annex Iceland before the Ruskies claim it.

It went by so fast, and was such a weird summer here. Often too hot, or else too smokey to be able to spend time outdoors.

I swear the seasons have moved by a factor of two months.