
Woooosh I made a Wave!

Ai created content?! On hive?! :O

Let's test waves 😁

cutie owl 🦉

It literally has a logo that it's from bing. I hope I will not flagged for ai when it's mentioned that it's ai. Haha

Some asked concerns that they might get flagged, I was like ok let's make me a test subject.

I’m also not too sure how far we’re going with AI related stuff but since there’s a logo, I guess it’s fine? hahaha not sure myself

The worst that will happen is, we will find clear rules about dos and don't of waves. I would love to break more.

But I will still not spam or call others work mine. Here is a picture I took of my garden unsplash.

hahaha that’s so detailed! 😂

Sharing with u cause I want to share my thoughts when posting this too.