
Just save it, wait for the price to rise.

Just hold it for now, it is likely to rise more.

I will Sis, thanks 🙏

You are welcome dear 😊

How can I get them too?

It's over now; it lasted for just 24 hours; I waved about it yesterday.

@roqqulovehive occasionally runs airdrops. Stay tuned. You can follow them on X @roqqupay

Ahhhhh.. OK... Next time...
Thank you

You are welcome 🤗

Hold it...wait for the rise

Hehe, I'm holding it.

Thank you!

I would say that keep it and don’t sell at all 😶

Okay, time will tell.

Thank you😊

Sure 👌🏻

Interesting, I'm on the hunt for airdrops too. I've already gotten good numbers with depins, #grass and #nodepay and I'm already using others. If you know of any more airdrops, please let me know :)

Okay, great.

If the roqqu airdrop comes up in the future, I will be sure to let you know, it is the only one I'm sure of presently.

Thank you very much! It will be great to exchange ideas and information with you!

You are very much welcome

Hi, I will be glad if you can share airdrops info with me as well.