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RE: Ecency waves Jan 08

in #waves2 months ago

A 1963 Newspaper predicted that we would be able to carry our phones in our pockets in the future. It's so fascinating how far we have come with technology.

What is the next big innovation you are banking on in the next 50 years to come?


If they keep going that route they go at the Moment and Nobody get smart, we will sit in the Forrest and hit rocks again, living Like monkey and our grandchildren will think we are crazy, when we talk about phones, Internet and Crypto!

That sounds scary, let's hope we get smart then.

It is not we, it is the politicians in the first world! To that, everything is sliding right! But the provocatiion they do and the governments collapse is bad. This never happened in history, so let's watch the show, it get interessting

Hmmm, the politicians do not care that much as long as their interests are served.

Microchips 😉

Yeah, without people realizing it.

That is also true

This is cool😊

Yeah, the image reminds me of the eras of letters taking weeks or months to reach a recipient.

I didn't meet eras of letters 🙃🫣😁

So many things that I used to see on scienfi movies have come to be real today.

That is right; one wonders what is yet to come, huh?

In my opinion the teletransportation. Send something from one place to the other.

Yeah, I think it's possible. !LUV

We may get to a point where we can no longer do so. The EMRs are not healthy for us and going to a Jetson's world where there are Skype like landlines everywhere may be a better idea.