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RE: Ecency waves Dec 15

in #waves3 months ago

The first patient on Monday was a 39-year-old male. He already has hypertension, impaired fasting glucose (on the highway to DM), and raised blood lipids.

It's a reminder for us all to assess our health from time to time!




Good morning.

Yes we must make it a practice to do regular basic body check-ups like Blood Pressure and Sugar especially those above 35-40 years and those with family history of similar conditions.

Good health is underrated.

We must also maintain a healthy lifestyle a d diet if we have already been diagnosed of the conditions.

Health is wealth.

Stay healthy Dear Hivers!

Thanks for adding your valuable advice. I appreciate it. You have spoken the Truth.


We need to really stay healthy. I wish you a great new week.

Thanks for the wish.


39 years Oh! God have mercy, is so early

Hmm. However, it's quite common nowadays.

Thanks for the comment.


God help us, I guess there are things we should do to prevent it

good morning.. youth facing problem of hypertension, depression, anxiety etc

Correct. Previously, these were considered the diseases of the old age. Now, it's has been changed.

Thanks for your thoughts.

most welcome..

healthy lifestyle and the need to go for check ups is very vital

Yes, that's the message here. Thanks for pointing out