Yes, for real. One needs to prepare well though for before starting, and especially for finishing (need to be very careful when resuming eating). It's 11 years since i did a 41 day waterfast (for "spiritual" reasons). It's high time i did another. A supportive environment is also very helpful.
Last time, in addition to water, we (i did the fast alongside and with guidance from a "healer"), added various small amounts of juice to the water, including ginger juice, a local green green leaf (chaya i think it was called) and radish. Also added to the water was 2 tablespoons of honey per day as we were fairly active. Also included daily meditation, yoga, sun-gazing and reading material from gurus.
Next time (assuming i pluck up the courage to do it) i guess it will be similar. i would also use MMS (chlorine dioxide) now i am aware of it and experienced in it's use for even deeper cleansing. Ideally i would also do so in a completely dark space (so obviously no sun-gazing :-), and in silence, so i will need someone to support me.
i intend to create a dark room in a cellar under my house for that purpose and to offer that as an additional option for retreat guests.
Yes, for real. One needs to prepare well though for before starting, and especially for finishing (need to be very careful when resuming eating). It's 11 years since i did a 41 day waterfast (for "spiritual" reasons). It's high time i did another. A supportive environment is also very helpful.
Will you be taking supplements? Vitamins?
Last time, in addition to water, we (i did the fast alongside and with guidance from a "healer"), added various small amounts of juice to the water, including ginger juice, a local green green leaf (chaya i think it was called) and radish. Also added to the water was 2 tablespoons of honey per day as we were fairly active. Also included daily meditation, yoga, sun-gazing and reading material from gurus.
Next time (assuming i pluck up the courage to do it) i guess it will be similar. i would also use MMS (chlorine dioxide) now i am aware of it and experienced in it's use for even deeper cleansing. Ideally i would also do so in a completely dark space (so obviously no sun-gazing :-), and in silence, so i will need someone to support me.
i intend to create a dark room in a cellar under my house for that purpose and to offer that as an additional option for retreat guests.