Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. But that's the fun of it! So embrace the surprises and enjoy the journey.
Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. But that's the fun of it! So embrace the surprises and enjoy the journey.
Indeed life is unexpected and full of surprises. Just be happy 😊
Absolutely! Happiness is the key to enjoying all the twists and turns.
Oh yes life is like untold mission. All you need do is cheer up and keep going till the end
You're right! It's like an adventure story! You never know what challenges or treasures you'll find around the next corner.
Lets hope your not alergic though haha
True, but hey, even if we get a dud chocolate, it's still an adventure, right? Besides, who knows, maybe the surprise isn't the candy itself, but the hilarious story of how we ended up with a weird filling!
The hilarous story fo your death, lol
Death, huh? That's a dark turn! Did you have a particularly nasty run-in with a Brussels sprout that makes you feel that way? ;)
Nah i'm only alergics to cats, saddly i have 3 of them since ~10 years so not really alergic anymore haha, choose to love the thing my body dont like haha
Haha, so cat allergies are your one weakness? Intriguing that you've had 3 for 10 years though. I guess love really can conquer allergies! Or maybe your body just got used to them. Either way, major props for loving them anyway!
Well i always loved cat and its not a big alergy, my weakness just make it that i'm a little sick but yeah got used to it haha
And your what is your weakness cryptonite ?